Sunday, September 30, 2012

Kriani baahl hamar aww

I had a rather musical childhood, and for that am eternally grateful to both my parents and my environment in general.  I have a song for about every mood!  Sometimes they appear to me unexpectedly even when I haven't heard or thought about them in a long while- that's the case with this particular one.

"May the circle be open" is a common parting-song at paganish gatherings, and is sung while moving counterclockwise along the circle-area which is used for workings.  Sometimes people sing it just by itself, though- which is what I started spontaneously doing at work the other evening. :)  Being that I am who I am, of course this song was Sandicified.

Order of texts: Sandic - English of Sandic


Kriani baahl hamar aŵ,
iné uxtiaktai
he deya aŵ pa rave pé obaahl

lēain aŵtúraj
lēain iné aŵféd
iné lēain ejj aŵtúraj


Our circle is whole/full
behold it is knitted together
may the peace of our honored one be in your heart

happily we meet
behold happily we depart
behold happily we meet again.


A note on the translation:
The first two lines in English in the original are "May the circle be open but unbroken".  I translated this as "Our circle is whole/full, it is knitted together."  Why?  I liked the imagery for that better, and no one else but me is likely to ever sing this song in Sandic. :D

To be more accurate, though, and supposing someone wanted something truer to the original English, one could also say "Kriani baahl hamar aŵ, gator utepéti", "our circle is whole/complete, and will never be broken".  This also fits the melody of the song.

The third line, "he deya aŵ pa rave pé obaahl", "May the peace of our honored one be in your heart" is rendered in the original English as "may the peace of the god(dess) be ever in your heart".  Being that some people I know don't have gods or goddesses as the central part of their practice (myself included), I figured "honored one(s)" to be a good compromise.

Again, if one would want to be more faithful to the original English, one could say "he jwia aŵ" (the peace of our goddess) or "he jwr aŵ" (the peace of our god), or even "he jwran aŵ" (the peace of our gods).  As an added bonus, "he lēiakéman aŵ" (the peace of our ancestors) also fits in that spot. :D

*from here.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Lé jebé - The body

I spent some time doodling on the porch today, and spontaneously came up with a body-parts sheet.

I am proud of myself. Of these, I only had to look up three of them.

Amusingly, "anen", the word for mouth, was remembered in my head as "anenab" because of a song that I translated not too long ago, "aal iz well". The word for mouth otherwise has been very rarely used, so it was the accusative form (from the phrase "anenab opeemajten", "open your mouth") which sprang to mind.

I wonder why the picture came out so small?  If I have time later, I will upload a more better-er one or just type out a list of what's there.

Also, continuing my recent prayer flag kick, I have over the past few days graduated to cloth flags. :)
These below read (top first, then bottom, left to right):
"lēaactab, damdabin, kunkabin, 
éwúb ân gre, safpab."
"Happiness, food, companions,
patience, shelter."

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The flying prayer flag.

A detail from the prayer flag- "Jwrian", "to god".
(Read bottom to top.)

:]  I did some porch sitting today and ended up stringing the prayer flag up.  It didn't want to fly straight for some reason.  I should learn to make better ones (perhaps on fabric in the future?).

Here you go.

I was sprawled out on the porch on a blanket, taking video from below it.  Enjoy.

A different view, later in the day:

Monday, September 24, 2012


During the day, I work in a drive-thru.  I often get bored and end up doodling on things.  A large number of the conlang syntax test questions, for example, have been translated there.  Today I got bored and once again found myself scribbling on some things.  The results are below.

A prayer flag. "Jwrian skra amalan ba felē ykaja."
"I thank God for its inspirations."

I plan to fly this tomorrow, if the weather is nice. :)  Perhaps I will take a video to share.

A reminder mark. "Lēithad."
"Costume / Distraction / Nonreality."

I plan to get this tattooed in this spot, actually.  "Lēithad" reminds that what one sees and experiences is not direct reality.  Day-to-day life is a distraction.  One must focus on the true goals and true tasks in life, not the petty interpersonal conflicts one encounters.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mér lēnial ba mlî

I love fall.  Every day seems to call my name and ask me to go walking in it.  As today was my off day, I did take a few moments to just sit out and enjoy everything.  I had chores, though, so I had to wait until the evening- just around dusk.  Nature didn't disappoint!  I heard a crow calling, the leaves rustling- and some little noises.

Just then, on the roof, a rather heavily post-pregnant squirrel scolded me and jumped up and away into the branches- probably trying to lead me away from her babies.

I've tried to write the English in a way which approximates the emphasis of the Sandic.

As with all tree/plant names, "jjúrna"- the "default" word for oak- points to a single species.  This particular word refers to the white oak (quercus alba).  Different kinds of oak are specified off of this one word (for example, swamp white oak is jjúrna giamji ("the oak of leaves like plates") and shumard oak is jjúrna tekadani ("the oak of leaves with knives").

The melody?  I have no idea what it's from.  Might be original.  I hardly ever know with the songs/tunes that pop into my head...

Order of texts: Sandic - English

Mér lēnial ba mlî
Mér lēnial ba mlî
Pal uvén ta kaécan ba jjúrna exovo
Mér lēnial ba mlî
Mér lēnial ba mlî
Pa nât ba safpa malēîbin otiab felē exbra
Mér lēnial ba mlî
Mér lēnial ba mlî
Fian atiab axmée ba jtev ó toâ amai


During dusk
During dusk
underneath the branches of the (white) oak, there I stood
During dusk
During dusk
just outside the house I myself heard the cries
During dusk
During dusk
To me she showed herself there on the roof, the mother squirrel

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mother of all Things Spoken Sandic

A "mother of millions" plant.

In this particular post I aim to collect all the things I have recorded/videoed in the Sandic language, so that there can be an easy reference page for people seeking those kinds of things.  I imagine it will be mostly for my own reference- but just in case, here you are.

These are arranged chronologically. 

This list was last updated 08 Dec 2013!


(06 May 2012)  The sickness which makes one happy --- Matalao malëai
(06 May 2012) Every child has known (a) god --- Ivi ta gezon frn jwr kasa
(14 May 2012) A forgotten language --- Jaeact uxsorei
(17 May 2012)  Do you exist? --- Bal lëétoka?
(23 May 2012)  Lëé kolé
(12 Jun 2012)  I quite like rivers --- Frn peradan bal ân emac ra
(22 Jun 2012)  Behold, the grave of a wicked man --- Iné hamad kémania amatéi
(24 Jun 2012)  Ancestors --- Lēiakéman
(05 July 2012) A fian neotab axmî
10 Sep 2012)  Lēé ta kapetin ân zefa
(12 Sep 2012)  Mér lēnial ba mlî
(30 Sep 2012) The circle is open yet unbroken --- Kriani baahl hamar aww
(06 Dec 2012) The River is Flowing -- Ba perad bafas
--- 2013
(17 Apr 2013) The Prayer of White Bison Woman -- Tsam ba ame ba jjum maui
(04 Jun 2013) In the name of Allah --- Bee-enuu Ala
(18 Jun 2013) The Stranger -- Ba neousai
(07 Jul 2013) Jae ba wenai
(21 Jul 2013) Spirit of the Fire --- Le:ena ba hel
(22 Jul 2012) Pal wwak exkep fele: 
(23 Jul 2013) The one Ring --- Tsune baahl tree
(23 Jul 2013) Mother of Darkness --- Ama ba gleenra
(27 Jul 2013) Animal Spirits --- Beeno ankoan
(30 Jul 2013) Ey Ana --- Le:ee Ama
(03 Aug 2013) Reflection --- Onaha
(05 Aug 2013) Salt Woman --- Ba ame ba hija
(15 Aug 2013) O you up there -- Le:ee ba pal toa
(15 Aug 2013) Watch over my words --- Miibin me ole:eetjeer meer jae
(16 Aug 2013) Sitting here, awaiting their arrival -- Zum kakepi, feedab op kagrei
(17 Aug 2013) Zum atemale:lnia
(18 Aug 2013) Le:ee le:ifeestus
(24 Sep 2013) Le:ee le:ifeestus ba gamiai
(06 Oct 2013) Taram
(10 Nov 13) Fragment of the Tablets of Thoth -- Ialthnia ta platalan smaratin ba ~Taut
(17 Nov 2013) The Song that Never Ends -- Ba Kant Kahami Semab
(23 Nov 2013) Prayer of St. Francis --- Tsam ba Frransis ba deyai
(26 Nov 2013) Clean Up Song --- Okamale:im
(01 Dec 2013) Miracles -- Uuldi
(03 Dec 2013) Elephants according to blind men --- Lee ialifant mii ta gisin
(03 Dec 2013) Santa Claus is coming to Town --- Ian met ba orakeem kafeed

Audio and Video:
All videos and such appear here.

*Image from here.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Lēé ta kapetin ân zefa


Ayabin pa mafél aŵ exraug, kapetin oahl ân zefa.  Otiab dé mafél exade, wî otiab o giamjéb expútú, pa jédrub ân ba yéâ otiab obasu.  Jéd kamai, kant fian sisi baxféd, o paéb biab exhaec.

I saw some garlic in our fridge which was trying to grow.  I took it from the fridge and placed it on a plate in the window so that the light could find it.  As I was doing this, a song came whisperingly to me, which I wrote down on paper.

Lēé ta kapetin ân zefa
ŵak pa jédru ba jam ân dam aŵ
lēiab etetiad krianact méâ me
lēé ta kapetin ân zefa

"O you who are trying to grow
there in the window of our kitchen
I will help you with all of my ability
O you who are trying to grow"

(Side note: Sorry about all the recent updates coming so closely together.  This blog is sort of organically updated whenever I feel I have something worth sharing- or at least, it has been until nowish.  I think I'm going to try and space out updates a little more, maybe, so that I don't feel guilty about flooding the conlang blog aggregator.  If you're a CBA reader and have an opinion on the proper amount of time between posts that I should follow, please leave me a note below.  I don't much like the idea of being a nuisance.)

* image found here.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Conlang Syntax Test Sentences

I forget how exactly- probably the zbb is to blame for this- but recently I discovered the conlang syntax test sentences.  I printed a copy and have been going through them gradually.  It occurred to me that as I don't have an in-depth grammar for my conlang, sentences with glosses, etc might be helpful.  To whom?  I don't know.  But helpful.

I'm not much for grammatical vocabulary, but I'm pretty good at translating stuff into Sandic. :)

This will be updated on a "whenever I feel like it" basis, most likely.  I've gotten around 3/4ths of the sentences already translated; the issue comes with putting them here.  I have to find the time to enter them and also wrangle with a bad back ;)

I'll do my best to get this over with quickly.

UPDATE, 29 Sept 2012

Down to 106 now.

Update, 28 Sept 2012

I've got about 90% of these done on paper now.  I'm just bad at typing them in.  I added a handful more (down to 87); hopefully more tomorrow or the next day.

Update, 14 Sept 2012

Still adding these.  I'm just too easily distracted, it seems.  I've got about one and a half more pages (I think?) left of these to translate.  The rest are already done, just waiting for me to stop being lazy, haha. :)

Update, 12 Sept 2012

I've started to notice that I lack entire expressions for some things.  I have, for example, no way of saying "directly across from"- or "solstice" - or "mile".  Until I have these words/concepts, there are some sentences I can't translate.  Others are a bit more difficult for me syntax-wise, so they've been left blank for further meditation.

These sentences are great for illustrating gaps which I was not previously aware of.  I'm enjoying the challenge. :)

Hopefully I should have this whole list done soonish. :D


1. The sun shines.

Sandic: Ba mlî babrelē.
Gloss:  The sun it-shine.

2. The sun is shining.

Sandic: Kabrelēi baahl ba mlî.
Gloss: Actv.shine.adj it-is the sun.

3. The sun shone.

Sandic: Baxbrelē ba mlî.
Gloss: It-past-shine the sun.

4. The sun will shine.

Sandic: Batebrelē ba mlî.
Gloss: It-will-shine the sun

5. The sun has been shining.

Sandic: Baxbrelē wî babrelē ba mlî.
Gloss: It-past-shine and it-shine the sun.

6. The sun is shining again.

Sandic: Ba mlî ejj babrelē.
Gloss: The sun again it-shine.

7. The sun will shine tomorrow.

Sandic: Jémohn ba mlî batebrelē.
Gloss:  Tomorrow the sun it-will-shine.

8. The sun shines brightly.

Sandic: Sahe babrelē ba mlî.
Gloss: Bright it-shine the sun.

9. The bright sun shines.

Sandic: Ba mlî sahei babrelē.
Gloss: The sun bright.adj it-shine.

10. The sun is rising now.

Sandic: Nalēu ba mlî biab bamée.
Gloss: Now the sun it.acc it-show.


Sandic: Nalēu ba mlî biab kaméei baahl.
Gloss: Now the sun it.acc it-is.

11. All the people shouted.

Sandic: Ta kéman ivin oxmalēî.
Gloss: The people they-past-shout.

12. Some of the people shouted.

Sandic: Midin ta kéman oxmalēî.
Gloss: Some the people they-past-shout.

13. Many of the people shouted twice.

Sandic: Érain ta kéman jé oxmalēî
Gloss: the people two they-past-shout.

14. Happy people often shout.

Sandic: Ta lēain guc omalēî.
Gloss: The often they-shout.

15. The kitten jumped up.

Sandic: Tŵian ba menax baxle.
Gloss: Up.towards the kitten it-past-jump.

16. The kitten jumped onto the table.

Sandic: O platab baxle ba menax.
Gloss: On table.acc it-past-jump the kitten.

17. My little kitten walked away.

Sandic: Ébian baxtrékâ menax kéi me
Gloss: Away.towards it-past-walk kitten small.adj my.

18. It's raining.

Sandic: Kîmî batoka.
Gloss: Rain it-happen.

19. The rain came down.

Sandic: Kîmî baxyum.
Gloss: Rain it-past-fall.

20. The kitten is playing in the rain.

Sandic: Pa kîmî kapiati baahl ba menax.
Gloss: In rain it-is the kitten.

21. The rain has stopped.

Sandic: Siad ba kîmî baneot oka.
Gloss: More the rain it-not happen.

22. Soon the rain will stop.

Sandic: Sun ba kîmî batesem ân oka.
Gloss: Soon the rain it-will-stop to happen.

23. I hope the rain stops soon.

Sandic: Felē emahae ân ba kîmî sun batesem ân oka.
Gloss: I I-hope "that" the rain soon it-will-cease "to" happen.

24. Once wild animals lived here.

Sandic: Gre srîtnia zum oxmect ankoan neourecin.
Gloss: After time.uncertain here they-past-live animals not_touched.adj

25. Slowly she looked around.

Sandic: Grel meadab biab axraug.
Gloss: Slow area.acc it.acc she-past-look

26. Go away!

Sandic: Opéféd!
Gloss: Sugg-you-go


Sandic: Opéféd ébian!
Gloss:  Sugg-you-go away.towards


Sandic: Opéjard!
Gloss:  Sugg-you-flee/run_away

27. Let's go!

Sandic: Otaŵféd!
Gloss: Sugg-we-go

28. You should go.

Sandic: Opéféd.
Gloss: Sugg-you-go

29. I will be happy to go.

Sandic: Lēai eteféd.
Gloss: Happy.adj I-will-go

30. He will arrive soon.

Sandic: Sun kateféd.
Gloss: Soon he-will-go/arrive.

31. The baby's ball has rolled away.

Sandic: Béecú ba ander fovian baxfas.
Gloss: Ball the baby away it-past-flow/roll.

32. The two boys are working together.

Sandic: Jégú ta kanan oahl jé bera osantâ.
Gloss: Those the boys they-are two together they-work.

33. This mist will probably clear away.

Sandic: Ba lēava ébian batefédnia.
Gloss: The fog away.towards it-will-go.uncertain

34. Lovely flowers are growing everywhere.

Sandic: Enfelan wenain pal ivi ozefa.
Gloss: Flowers pretty/beautiful at every they-grow.

35. We should eat more slowly.

Sandic: Grel siad otaŵdam.
Gloss: Slow more sugg-we-eat.

36. You have come too soon.

Sandic: Lēas péféd tjura.
Gloss: Soon/early you-go/arrive too_much.

37. You must write more neatly.

Sandic: Wena siad pétjere ân haec.
Gloss: Pretty more you-must to write.

38. Directly opposite stands a wonderful palace.

Sandic: -

39. Henry's dog is lost.

Sandic: Utofei baahl kolé ba hianre.
Gloss: Lost.adj it-is dog the "henry".

40. My cat is black.

Sandic: Nax me gléni batara.
Gloss: Cat my black it-is(perm.)

41. The little girl's doll is broken.

Sandic: Saupéti baahl ___ ba aén nabei. (young)
Gloss: Broken.adj it-is (doll) the girl young.adj.


Sandic: Saupéti baahl ___ ba aén kéi. (small)
Gloss: Broken.adj it-is (doll) the girl small.adj.

42. I usually sleep soundly.

Sandic: Guc he felē ekaté.
Gloss: Often peacefully I I-sleep.


Sandic: He felē dúsniat ekaté.
Gloss: Peacefully I normally I-sleep

43. The children ran after Jack.

Sandic: Kakféin ta gezon oxen jjakian.
Gloss: Actv.follow.adj the children they-past-run jack.towards.

44. I can play after school.

Sandic: Gre ân fian otesem ân masan, eteméâ ân piat.
Gloss: After that they-will-stop to teach, I-will-can to play.

45. We went to the village for a visit.

Sandic: Mitian aŵxféd ân pose.
Gloss: Village.towards we-past-go to visit.

46. We arrived at the river.

Sandic: Pal onj ba perad aŵxsem ân féd.
Gloss: At side the river we-past-stop to go.

47. I have been waiting for you.

Sandic: Piab exgre wî egre.
Gloss: You.acc I-past-wait and I-wait.

48. The campers sat around the fire.

Sandic: Hamar pal griawan ba hel oxkep ta kenakan.
Gloss: Circle at edges the fire they-past-sit the tenters.

49. A little girl with a kitten sat near me.

Sandic: Aén kéi, menaxab axlēlét, fúl faé me axkep.
Gloss: Girl small, kitten.acc she-past-have, near "to" me she-past-sit.

50. The child waited at the door for her father.

Sandic: Ba gezo pal ba pag adab ae axgre.
Gloss: The child at the door father.acc her she-past-wait.

51. Yesterday the oldest girl in the village lost her kitten.

Sandic: Lēamon ba aén siadlēlai aahl faé ivin pa ba mit, menaxab ae biab axtofe.
Gloss: Yesterday the girl more.old.adj she-is "to" every.adj in the village, kitten.acc her it.acc she-past-lose.

52. Were you born in this village?

Sandic: Zum pal jéd ba mit bal ân umeci pétara?
Gloss: Here at this the village is_it "that" born.adj you-are_perm.?

53. Can your brother dance well?

Sandic: Bal ân auzo kasa ân tréj kada pé?
Gloss: Is-it "that" good he-know "to" dance brother your?

54. Did the man leave?

Sandic: Bal ân ba kame ébian kaxféd?
Gloss: Is-it "that" the man away.towards he-past-go?

55. Is your sister coming for you?

Sandic: Kolnú pé bal ân piab ade ateféd?
Gloss: Sister your is-it "that" you take she-will-go?

56. Can you come tomorrow?

Sandic: Bal ân jémohn péteméâ ân féd?
Gloss: Is-it "that" tomorrow you-will-can "to" go?

57. Have the neighbors gone away for the winter?

Sandic: Mér féúluc bal ân fovian oxféd ta onjkan?
Gloss: During winter is-it "that" away.towards they-past-go the neighbors?

58. Does the robin sing in the rain?

Sandic: Pa kîmî bal ân bakant ba "rabin"?
Gloss: In rain is-it "that" it-sing the "robin"?

59. Are you going with us to the concert?

Sandic: Bal ber aŵ kansirtian péteféd?
Gloss: Is-it with us concert.towards you-will-go?

60. Have you ever travelled in the jungle?

Sandic: Bal srîtnia pa erinjéb péxféd?
Gloss: Is-it time.uncertain in forest.acc you-past-go?

61. We sailed down the river for several miles.

Sandic: -

62. Everybody knows about hunting.

Sandic: Ivi kasa frn ân jjace.
Gloss: Every he-know "about" "to" hunt.

63. On a Sunny morning after the solstice we started for the mountains.

Sandic: -

64. Tom laughed at the monkey's tricks.

Sandic: Tam skra talēlan ba jemé kaxaen.
Gloss: Tom because tricks the monkey he-past-laugh.

65. An old man with a walking stick stood beside the fence.

Sandic: -

66. The squirrel's nest was hidden by drooping boughs.

Sandic: Tiakta ba jtev uxlēniali baxahl skra ta kaécan kaklicin.
Gloss: Basket/nest the squirrel hidden it-past-is because the branches actv.bowing.adj.

67. The little seeds waited patiently under the snow for the warm spring sun.

Sandic: Pal uvén ba jéjé, hein oxgre ta iaman kéin ân biab obamée ba mlî grécoi ba kéfaluc.
Gloss: At bottom the snow, peace.adj they-past-wait the seeds "that" it.acc sugg.-it.-show the sun warm.adj the spring.

68. Many little girls with wreaths of flowers on their heads danced around the bonfire.

Sandic: Neskaton nabein érain, ó kilún op oxahl raman, hamar pal griawan ba hel oxtréj.
Gloss: Girls, on heads their they-past-are wreaths, circle at edges the fire they-past-dance.

69. The cover of the basket fell to the floor.

Sandic: Mamant ba tiakta ó graŵib baxyum.
Gloss: Make-close the basket on ground.acc it-past-fall

70. The first boy in the line stopped at the entrance.

Sandic: -

71. On the top of the hill in a little hut lived a wise old woman.

Sandic: Pal toâ ba ire axmect ame lēlai, frnsarai.
Gloss: At up/top the hill she-past-reside woman old.adj, wise.adj.


Sandic: Pal toâ ba ire axmect ame lēlai wî frnsarai.
Gloss: At up/top the hill she-past-reside woman old.adj and/also wise.adj

72. During our residence in the country we often walked in the pastures.

Sandic: Mér aŵxmect pa lorin, guc pa loran ta juman aŵxtrékâ.
Gloss: During we-past-live in fields.adj, often in fields the cows we-past-walk.


Sandic: Mér aŵxmect pa lorin, ohî aŵ baxahl ân trékâ pa loran ta jjuman.
Gloss: During we-past-live in fields.adj, habit our it-past-is "to" walk in fields the cows.

73. When will your guests from the city arrive?

Sandic: -

74. Near the mouth of the river, its course turns sharply towards the East.

Sandic: Fúl faé sem ba perad, fac kaevo ba biab unî enkian barúm.
Gloss: Near "to" end the river, flow water its it.acc suddenly east.towards it-turn.

75. Between the two lofty mountains lay a fertile valley.

Sandic: Pal eslēam jégú ta jjujjan oxahl jé, graté mazefai baahl.
Gloss: at center those the trees they-are two, valley fertile.adj it-is.

76. Among the wheat grew tall red poppies.

Sandic: -

77. The strong roots of the oak trees were torn from the ground.

Sandic: Ta ratcubin paelain ta jjurnan dé graŵi uxvuri oxahl.
Gloss: The roots. acc the oaks away.from ground pulled.adj they-past-are

78. The sun looked down through the branches upon the children at play.

Sandic: Dru ta kaécan baxraug ba mlî, ân raug ta gezobin ŵak kapiatin.
Gloss: Through the branches it-past-looked the sun, "to" look the children.acc there playing.adj

79. The west wind blew across my face like a friendly caress.

Sandic: Ba lēyuc dé lēra klé markab me baxfac, baxahlco ŵhé rec fian frn tasnid.
Gloss: The wind away.from west along face.acc my it-past-flow, it-past-is like touch from friend

80. The spool of thread rolled across the floor.

Sandic: -

81. A box of growing plants stood in the Window.

Sandic: Pa jédru baxahl tida frn felan kazefain.
Gloss: In window it-past-is box "of" plants

82. I am very happy.

Sandic: Lēai yahlra.
Gloss: Happy.adj I-am-really.

83. These oranges are juicy.

Sandic: Kîfin oahl jégú ta naramadan.
Gloss: wet.adj they-are those the oranges.

84. Sea water is salty.

Sandic: Kaev ba réjil gúcab hijai balēlét.
Gloss: Water the sea flavor.acc salt.adj it-have.

85. The streets are full of people.

Sandic: Siadin pa ba ikuceab oneot méâ ân féd!
Gloss: in the street.acc they-not can "to" go!

86. Sugar tastes sweet.

Sandic: Gúcab kinéri balēlét ba saga.
Gloss: flavor.acc sweet it-have the sugar.

87. The fire feels hot. (to me / factual)

Sandic: Gréi fian biab bamée ba hel.
Gloss: hot.adj it it-show the fire.


Sandic: Gréi biab bamée ba hel.
Gloss: hot.adj it.acc it-show the fire.

88. The little girl seemed lonely.

Sandic: Uxnui fian axmée ba aén nabei.
Gloss:  left.adj she-past-show the girl young.adj

89. The little boy's father had once been a sailor.

Sandic: Srîtnia réjkém kaxahl ada jéd ba kan.
Gloss: Time.uncertain sailor he-past-is father that the boy

90. I have lost my blanket.

Sandic: -

91. A robin has built his nest in the apple tree.

Sandic: tiaktab ka ba rabin ŵak pa ba jémé tumadi biab kaxma.
Gloss: basket/nest.acc his the "robin" there in the tree apple.adj it.acc he-past-make.

92. At noon we ate our lunch by the roadside.

Sandic: -

93. Mr. Jones made a knife for his little boy.

Sandic: Tekadab biab ba km.  jjons kaxma faé ofoŵ ka nabei.
Gloss: knife.acc it.acc the sir "jones" he-past-make "to" son his young.adj.

94. Their voices sound very happy.

Sandic: Lēainnia fian omée mîn op.
Gloss: hot.adj it.acc it-show the fire.

95. Is today Monday?

Sandic: Jémon bal "monday"?
Gloss: "monday"?

96. Have all the leaves fallen from the tree?

Sandic: Bal ivin ta kéamjén dé jémé oxyum?
Gloss: away.from tree they-past-fall?

97. Will you be ready on time?

Sandic: -

98. Will you send this message for me?

Sandic: -

99. Are you waiting for me?

Sandic: Bal iab pégre?
Gloss: me.acc you-wait?

100. Is this the first kitten of the litter?

Sandic: Jéd ba menax bal tréi faé ba gezon baahl?
Gloss: That the kitten first.adj "to" the children it-is?

101. Are these shoes too big for you?

Sandic: -

102. How wide is the River?

Sandic: Diapoi tju baahl ba perad?
Gloss: wide.adj how.much it-is the river?

103. Listen.

Sandic: Opébra.
Gloss: sugg.-you-listen.

104. Sit here by me.

Sandic: Zum pal me opékep.
Gloss: Here at me sugg-you-sit.

105. Keep this secret until tomorrow.

Sandic: -

106. Come with us.

Sandic: Ber aŵ opéféd.

107. Bring your friends with you.
108. Be careful.
109. Have some tea.
110. Pip and his dog were great friends.
111. John and Elizabeth are brother and sister.
112. You and I will go together.
113. They opened all the doors and windows.
114. He is small, but strong.
115. Is this tree an oak or a maple?
116. Does the sky look blue or gray?
117. Come with your father or mother.
118. I am tired, but very happy.
119. He played a tune on his wonderful flute.
120. Toward the end of August the days grow much shorter.
121. A company of soldiers marched over the hill and across the meadow.
122. The first part of the story is very interesting.
123. The crow dropped some pebbles into the pitcher and raised the water to the brim.
124. The baby clapped her hands and laughed in glee.
125. Stop your game and be quiet.
126. The sound of the drums grew louder and louder.
127. Do you like summer or winter better?
128. That boy will have a wonderful trip.
129. They popped corn, and then sat around the fire and ate it.
130. They won the first two games, but lost the last one.
131. Take this note, carry it to your mother; and wait for an answer.
132. I awoke early, dressed hastily, and went down to breakfast.
133. Aha! I have caught you!
134. This string is too short!
135. Oh, dear! the wind has blown my hat away!
136. Alas! that news is sad indeed!
137. Whew! that cold wind freezes my nose!
138. Are you warm enough now?
139. They heard the warning too late.
140. We are a brave people, and love our country.
141. All the children came except Mary.
142. Jack seized a handful of pebbles and threw them into the lake.
143. This cottage stood on a low hill, at some distance from the village.
144. On a fine summer evening, the two old people were sitting outside the door of their cottage.
145. Our bird's name is Jacko.
146. The river knows the way to the sea.
147. The boat sails away, like a bird on the wing.
148. They looked cautiously about, but saw nothing.
149. The little house had three rooms, a sitting room, a bedroom, and a tiny kitchen.
150. We visited my uncle's village, the largest village in the world.
151. We learn something new each day.
152. The market begins five minutes earlier this week.
153. Did you find the distance too great?
154. Hurry, children.
155. Madam, I will obey your command.
156. Here under this tree they gave their guests a splendid feast.
157. In winter I get up at night, and dress by yellow candlelight.
158. Tell the last part of that story again.
159. Be quick or you will be too late.
160. Will you go with us or wait here?
161. She was always, shabby, often ragged, and on cold days very uncomfortable.
162. Think first and then act.
163. I stood, a little mite of a girl, upon a chair by the window, and watched the falling snowflakes.
164. Show the guests these shells, my son, and tell them their strange history.
165. Be satisfied with nothing but your best.
166. We consider them our faithful friends.
167. We will make this place our home.
168. The squirrels make their nests warm and snug with soft moss and leaves.
169. The little girl made the doll's dress herself.


170. I hurt myself.
Iab ypur.
me.acc I-hurt.

171. She was talking to herself.
172. He proved himself trustworthy.
173. We could see ourselves in the water.
174. Do it yourself.
175. I feel ashamed of myself.
176. Sit here by yourself.
177. The dress of the little princess was embroidered with roses, the national flower of the Country.
178. They wore red caps, the symbol of liberty.
179. With him as our protector, we fear no danger.
180. All her finery, lace, ribbons, and feathers, was packed away in a trunk.
181. Light he thought her, like a feather.
182. Every spring and fall our cousins pay us a long visit.
183. In our climate the grass remains green all winter.
184. The boy who brought the book has gone.
185. These are the flowers that you ordered.
186. I have lost the book that you gave me.
Ba diiob, fian biab peexora, biab extofe.


Ba diiob extofe, fian biab peexora.

The book.acc, it.acc you-past give, it.acc I-past-lose.


The book.acc I-past-lose, it.acc you-past-give.
187. The fisherman who owned the boat now demanded payment.

188. Come when you are called.
Umale:ii-i opeefeed ra.
Called sugg-you-go emph.
189. I shall stay at home if it rains.
Fii aan kiimii bateyum, pal safpa iab etefiale:r.
If "that" rain it-will-fall, at home me.acc I-will-leave/let/allow.
190. When he saw me, he stopped.
Meer aan iab kaxraug, kaxsem (aan treekaa, etc)
During "that" me.acc he-past-see, he-past-stop ("to" walk, etc)
191. Do not laugh at me because I seem so absent minded.
192. I shall lend you the books that you need.
193. Come early next Monday if you can.


194. If you come early, wait in the hall.


195. I had a younger brother whose name was Antonio.
Kadab exle:leet, bee-enuu ka baxahl 'antoneo'.
brother.acc I-past-have, name his it-past-is 'antonio'.

196. Gnomes are little men who live under the ground.
"Nom"an oahl keeman keein, pal pa ba grawwi omect.
Gnomes are people, at in the ground they-live.

197. He is loved by everybody, because he has a gentle disposition.


198. Hold the horse while I run and get my cap.
Tiamab ba klamek opeehos meer feed me en aan eek okiab me.
Line/rope.acc the horse sugg-you-hold during going my runly "to" take.up hat.acc my.

199. I have found the ring I lost.
Ba tsuneb exsu, biab extofe.
The ring.acc I-past-find, it.acc I-past-lose.

200. Play and I will sing.
Opeerec, wii fele: etekant.
Play(an instrument), and I I-will-sing.

201. That is the funniest story I ever heard.
Jeed ba kambaa mataeni baahl siadra faee ivin ta frn me ubrain!
That the story funny/amusing.adj it-is more.emph "to" the "from/of" me heard!

202. She is taller than her brother.
Kjjai aahl siad faee kada ae.
Tall.adj she-is more "to" brother her.

203. They are no wiser than we.
Frnsain oneot ahl siad faee aww. they-not are more "to" us.

204. Light travels faster than sound.
yeeaa bafeed faee bracan natul siad.
light it-goes "to" sounds fast more.

205. We have more time than they.


206. She has more friends than enemies.
Akekan ae oahl siadin faee ta tasnidan ae.
Enemies her they-are "to" the friends her.

207. He was very poor, and with his wife and five children lived in a little low cabin of logs and stones.

Jini kaxahlra, wî pa safpa frn jéda wî pelan jelaci kaxmect ber ame wî gezon ka oxahl pén.
Gloss: poor(adj) he-past-is-emph., in house of wood and stones ruined(adj.) he-past-live with woman and children his they-past-are five.

208. When the wind blew, the traveler wrapped his mantle more closely around him.

Mér ba lēyuc baxskéra, ba fédka kiab toga ka kaxlēij né siad.
Gloss: During the wind it-blew-emph., the traveller him.acc cloak his he-past-wrap close more.

209. I am sure that we can go.

Ydévara ân aŵ(te)méâ ân féd.
Gloss: I-beleve-emph "that" we-(will)-can "to" go.

210. We went back to the place where we saw the roses.

Ejj aŵxféd ba meadian, pal ŵak ta yîtébin aŵxraug.
Gloss: again we-past-go the place-to, at there the roses.acc we-past-see

211. "This tree is fifty feet high," said the gardener.
Jeeb ba jeemee kjjai baahl ___an oahl soiranwwalpeen," kaxmii ba felkeem.
This the tree tall.adj it-is "feet" they-are fifty," he-past-say the gardener.

212. I think that this train leaves five minutes earlier today.

Ydéva ân jéb ba "train" baterep lēara faé lēamohn ___an oahl pén.*
I-believe "that" this the "train" it-will-start earlier "to" yesterday minutes they-are five.

213. My opinion is that the governor will grant him a pardon.

Faé mî me, ba ere kiab katefialēr.
To opinion my, the ruler him he-will-"allow"/"let".

214. Why he has left the city is a mystery.

Délew baahl frn skra kia dé ba wwar ébian kaxféd.
Secret it-is "of" reason why from the city towards.away he-past-go.

215. The house stands where three roads meet.

Ba safpa bamect pal úraj ta ikucen oahl ké.
The house it-lives at meeting the streets they-are three

216. He has far more money than brains.

Dékab kalēlét siadra faé erin ba meka ka.
Money.acc he-have most/more to amount/size the brain/mind his.

217. Evidently that gate is never opened, for the long grass and the great hemlocks grow close against it.

Fian bamée ân jéd ba pag gator ujteni baahl, skra pal ba néra ozefa graoam kjjai wî hiamlakan erinrain.
To-me it-appears that this the door never refl.opened.adj it-is, because at the nearby they-grow grass tall and hemlocks big.very.adj

218. I met a little cottage girl; she was eight years old, she said.

Aénab exsu- axmî ân ivlún ae oahl geté.
Girl.acc I-past-find- she-past-say "that" years her they-are eight.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Opéjjelu ploŵocab pé

While bored in the drive-thru at work today, I spontaneously translated a childrens' song- "row row row your boat".  Here it is.

"Jjew baahl paro pé" is prettily ambiguous here.  It can mean either "Life is a dream of yours" or "life is your dreaming".

No new words here.

Order of texts: Original -- Sandic -- (gloss of sandic) -- Smooth English of Sandic


Row Row Row your boat
 gently down the stream
Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily
Life is but a dream



Opéjjelu ploŵocab pé 
ba peradab klé
Lēai péma lēai péma
jjew baahl paro pé


( boat.acc your
the river.acc along
happy.adj you-do happy.adj you-do
life it-is dream your)


Paddle your boat
Along the river
You do it happily, You do it happily
Life is your dreaming

* picture found here.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Memes in Sandic

I wanted badly to do something productive today with my language, but I for the life of me couldn't figure out what.

Zoidberg rescued me, though.

It occurs to me that memes are wonderful for testing conlangs- they have short texts which can be translated in either difficult or simple ways- often with slang involved.  So why not try them with Sandic?

On a related note, these are totally getting printed out and stuck to my bedroom door.

"Bal ân daniab péwîc ân kéndu?
Skra kia kiab opéneot ba Zoetbiarrg?"
"Is-it "that" something(acc.) you-want "to" translate?
Reason why him(acc.) the Zoidberg?"
"You want to translate something?
Why not Zoidberg?"

"Daniab exneot sa ân ma jaeact me
Memsabin otiab sandin exkéndu"
"Thing.uncertain(acc.) I.past.not know "to" do
Memes(acc.) them(acc.) sandic(pl.adj) I.past.translate"
"I didn't know what to do with my language
I translated some memes"

"Bal ân mem iat baahlra dania
Fî ân pa jaeact ujini uxkéndui baahl?"
"Is-it "that" meme still thing-uncertain
If "that" in language invented translated it-is?"
"Is something still a meme
If it's translated into a conlang?"

"Memsabin otiab felē éra yneot ma
a fî ân memabnia biab yma, biab sandi ykéndu"
"Memes(acc.).uncertain them(acc.) I many I.not make
But if meme(acc.).uncertain it(acc.) I-make, it(acc.) sandic I.translate"
"I don't often make memes, 
But when I do, I translate them into Sandic"

And as a bonus (not in Sandic, but peripherally related):

Monday, September 3, 2012

Ame atara - There is a Woman

This is yet another song from my childhood, called "She Changes".  Moving Breath sang this and made a cd of it.  I'm not sure if it originated with them, but that's the version I first knew and as a result also the melody that I have used here.

I can't seem to find a version of it online, so I've posted lyrics here for reference.

I also at some point recently translated part of Cunningham's "Before Time Was"; If I can find the piece of paper it was scribbled hastily upon, then I'll post it too.

Order of texts: Sandic -- Gloss of Sandic


Ame atara, ba lēyarab nocri ama
ta xebtan ae iné (ân) katoloin oahl
pa aŵ atara pal rep aŵ gre sem
ama aŵ, érama usei

Katoloi aahl ba tiaktab jjew aŵ
kekob alēlét ber tiam ara aŵ

biab arec, iné ân biab batalēl
ta dabin ivin (otiab) arec, iné ân otiab otalēl


There is a woman who makes the night sky,
her fingers, behold, are knitting it
She is within us from the beginning unto the end
Our mother, our beloved grandmother

She knits the tapestry of our lives
and holds the needle which guides the thread of our existence

The things she touches, they change
Everything she touches, it changes