Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The story about the farmer whose horse ran away

The challenge of the week Sep. 20 - 27 2010 is 'The story about the farmer whose horse ran away'. (Original, I think, can be found here.)

Sandic comes first, of course, with a translation out of that translation, into English. Because I'm such a perfectionist, I really doubt I'll be recording this for you anytime soon. I'm sorry. I just can't stand recording with errors in them. ;)

Srîtnia baxĵew feloka, frn kia baxjard ba klamek. Onjka ba feloka, kaxahl wîkiaci, mé kaxféd safpaian ba feloka ân mî jéd, a ba feloka nu kaxmî:
"Kia kasa frn kia baahl auzoi ú lenai?"
Auniai baxahl jéd ba mî.

Gre tré mohn baxféd eĵ ba klamek, mé kakféin biab oxahl soir mé tré klamekan neourecin, otiahb baxsu ba klamek ba feloka mer zialda ba.
Kaxféd eĵ safpaian ba feloka ba onjka, ân mî kian frn ta auzerin dan, a nu eĵ kaxmî ba feloka:
"Kia kasa frn kia baahl auzoi ú lenai?"
Eĵ ba mî bazahl auniai.

Gre tré mohn kaxpetre ân tag tré ta klamekan neourecin ba drialēzka ba feloka, a kaxyum dé tag, mé baxav saupéti ba loz ka.
Kaxféd eĵ safpaian ba feloka ba onjka, ân mî kian frn ba lenain dan, a nu kaxmî:
"Kia kasa frn kia baahl auzoi ú lenai?"
Eĵ kiab kaxmî ba feloka, baxahl auniai.

Skra eĵ gre tré mohn ba ere ba poc kaxmî ân ebatara dîĵc, mé kaxmî ân ta tavelan opasi iactav faé ba dîĵcar, a pa skra frn ba loz ba drialēzka baxahl saupéti, kaxneot ahl umapasi ân iactav.

Once there was a farmer whose horse had run away. The farmer's neighbor, who was sympathetic, went to him to talk of the bad things- but the farmer simply said
"Who knows what is good, and what is bad?"
And the farmer was right.

The next day, the horse returned- and with it came eleven wild horses which his horse had found on its travels.
And the neighbor came back to speak to the farmer of these good things, but the farmer simply said
"Who knows what is good, and what is bad?"
And again, the words of the farmer were true.

The day after that, the farmer's son was trying to ride one of the wild horses- but he fell from his riding, and his arm was broken.
And again the neighbor came, to talk of these bad things- and again the farmer only said:
"Who knows what is good, and what is bad?"
And again what the farmer said was true.

The day after that, the king of the land declared there was to be a war, and he decreed that all youths must join the army. But because the arm of the farmer's son was broken, he did not have to enlist.

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