Friday, November 25, 2011

Added a pair of videos to the youtube.

I uploaded videos of my pronouncing and briefly singing/chanting some stuff.

* Graŵi ba jebé - here.

* Lēena ba lēyuc - here.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I haven't posted in what feels like ages, but that doesn't mean that I've been completely inactive in the conlang-related sphere. I'm kind of an offline-oriented person with my conlang stuff (even though I spend a lot of time online, if that makes sense?), so much of what i do never even makes it here. That said, though, I do enjoy sharing and occasionally hearing comments, so here goes again!

Also, Happy thanksgiving (Or as the yaundin would say, " Mohnab ba gobthîâ lēian auzeri! " (Happy turkey day to you!) or Mohnab ân kaja lēian auzeri! (Happy day of thanking to you!).

First off, videos that I've uploaded:
* Ba bren ber ta klamekan (The sheep and the horses) - here
* Jwr pian daniab (' God (gave) you something' ) - here

I translated a portion of a children's book, " The Dancing Man ": (13 Sept. 2011)
(A portion of this)

Srîtnia, pa mit jilai pal ba réjil Baltiak, ŵak kaxmect kan nîecpai, béenú ka baxahl Jjosiaf. Méer srît gezoi ka, kaxsa ân ba jjew pal ba mit neâi wî neoyeci baxahl. Kémania kaxneot aen. Kémania kaxneot tréj. A ba Jjosiaf, kaxfe ân ivi ba imprîâ batréj.

Hel batréj pa heon. Jéúmén owiwi pa lēyuc. Jelēyun otréjpa lēyar. Wî ba mlî wî ba îba ozeb ba lēyar klé. Pal sem santâ ka Jjosiaf kaxen réjgraoian wî wwak kaxkiac zebab ta jeman pa réjil. Jjosiaf kaxmahae ân zeb, ân wiwi, ân tréj pa imprîâ. Paro ka baxahl ân mohnnia katetréj ba ikuce klé dé mit dé mit, wî ejj ba réjil étblēai, wwakian katetréj. A kémania jéd kaxneot mî. Ta siadin oneot méâig ân fe.

Lēena ba lēyuc (24-Nov-11)
a translation of this

Lēena ba lēyuc
iab okre
Lēena ba lēyuc
safpaian o(ba)kra
Lēena ba lēyuc
Safpaian o(ba)kre fian

lēena ba réjil
paelact ba tarlēe
lēena ba ake
iab otefialēr ân jjew

Lēena ba mlî
yéâ malēimi
lēena ba ake
ejj otejjew

Graŵi ba jebé 24-Nov-11
(A translation of this)
Graŵi ba jebé
Kaev ba paké
Ské ba enha
ba hel ba lēena!