Thursday, November 28, 2013

Le:ian monab auzoi ba gobthii!

Not much to submit today.  I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

In Sandic, Thanksgiving is usually rendered as ba mon aan kaja (The day for thanking).  Something funny happened to me yesterday, though, so this year I am instead wishing you something different!

A customer with whom I always speak Spanish at work came in yesterday, and on her leaving, I wanted to wish her a happy holiday.  I couldn't remember- and didn't know- the word in Spanish for Thanksgiving, so she completed my sentence for me!

"Feliz dia...."
"...del pavo!"

"Happy... turkey day!"

I thought that was hilarious, so now I'm passing on the joy to you.

Le:ian monab auzoi ba gobthii, le:ee ta ivin!
Happy Turkey Day, everyone!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sandic Dreidel

I'd never actually looked at or understood what dreidels were for, but tonight someone posted a challenge elsewhere and I figured I'd give it my best shot at translating into Sandic! You can see the results below.

...Sorry the image got chopped off. You can still read all the words, though, since the first row that got cut appears further up. :)

Okamale:im -- Clean up

I was starting to clean the house when this little ditty popped into my head.  Needless to say, it was quickly Sandicified.

I sang it, too.  Boop.

Record audio or upload mp3 >>

Order of texts: English -- Sandic -- Smooth English of Sandic

Clean up, clean up,
everybody everywhere
clean up, clean up
Everybody do your share


Okamale:im, kamale:im
ivi pal tenan ivin
okamale:im kamale:im,
ivi ialthab ka okama!


Let him clean, "him clean",
every person in every place
let him clean, "him clean",
every person do his piece/part!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Prayer of St. Francis

The Prayer of St. Francis is not something I had ever encountered before.  On reading the card for Sasha, though, I became curious as to what it was- and when I found it, I knew it was something I'd like to have in Sandic.

Order of texts: English -- Sandic -- Smooth English of Sandic


Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy;
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


Le:ee ba deyai, iab ole:eema iaddab ba he le:ee,
pal fida, iama otepuutuu seb,
pal pur, feerab otepuutu,
pal wiwi, deevab otepuutuu,
pal jirra, haeb.
Pal gleen, yeeab,
pal jila, masab.

Le:ee ba deyai ba daeyuui, ole:eefeer aan fele: oteneot wiis aan ahl ukrei siad aan ma kre,
aan al ufei siad aan fe,
aan ahl usei aan se.

skra katorain awwtade,
wii kafeerin ufeerin awwteahl,
wii katemale:lin pa ba jjewab gre kala awwteahl u(te)mesin.


O holy lord, make me a tool of your peace,
at hate, let me leave a seed of love,
at pain, may I place mercy,
At hesitation, may I put confidence,
At sorrow, hope.
At darkness, light,
At sadness, enjoyment.

O lord who is holy, allow me to not want to be carried more than I carry (others),
to be understood more than I understand (others),
to be loved more than I love.

Because it is as givers that we receive,
and forgiving that we are forgiven,
and as those who will die that we are the ones who will be born into eternal life.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Kiamjan rale:ebin op kaxtale:lin pal safpa aww

So, I talked about some leaves today.  Videographic evidence over on Youtube.  Bahaha.


 Order of texts:  Sandic -- Smoothish English of Sandic


Galo le:ee ta kabrain!  Ejj vedeob yma pa ba sandi, wii, okay, meer jeeb ba mon, ian safpa me exfeed, wii jeeguu ta kiamjabin ivin fele: exraug, pal ba natsmao keei ba safpa aww, wii exwiisra aan le:ian mee-e otiab, wii, zum yahl pal ba meedal ba erini ba safpa aww, wii kiamjabinnia midin exade, exeek, aan le:ian mee-e.  Le:ian frn ta rale:en op fele: etejae.  Okay, jeeb baneot ahl kiamj frnm meedal.  Jeeb baahl kiamj frn jjuurna.  Ydeeva aan bee-enuu ba baahl jjuurna.  A jeeb ba kiamj, rale:ee ba baahl heef, wii ba kiamj heefi baahl.  Jeed baahlra kiamj frn meedal, a rale:ee ba baahl eeo, wii inee eeoi baahl .  Jeeb ba kiamj piiri baahl.  Rale:e ba baahl piir.  Wii, am, jeeb ba kiamj baahlnia narani.  Rale:ee ba baahl naran.  Okay, wii frn ta rale:en berain tejae, skra inee rale:e ba baneot ahl eeoi, a baal eeo ameesoi.  Skra berain oahl ta rale:en.  Eeo ameesoi ejj, wii jeeb baahl piir eeosoi.  Wii jeeb baahl piir gleensoi.  Jeeb baahl eeo gleensoi, uu eeo asuunani, eeo asuuni.  a... yea, auzo...  faee me ta kiamjan ba meedal meer tale:l ta rale:en op, faee me oahl ta saidra umasin, skra wenarain oahl.  Balnia?  Bal le:eeneot ade?  Inee aan wenarain oahl, pa otiab extreekaa...  gezoto expiat, haha.  am.. a auzo, le:ian ta kiamjabin exmee-e, wii balnia aan siad oteneot jae, skra ysa aan yutub frn vedeon erinin baneot mas.  ...okay.  Balnia aan sriitnia vedeob uu vedeeob nabei ytema.  Strob, wii auzerastab le:ian.


Hello, you who are listening.  I'm making another video in Sandic, and, okay...  Today, I came home, and I saw all these leaves in our house's little yard, and I really wanted to show you guys them, and, here I am by the big maple tree by our house, and I've taken- picked up- some leaves, to show you guys.  I'm going to talk to you about their colors.  Okay, so this one isn't a maple tree leaf.  It's an oak leaf.  I think the name of it(s) tree is "oak" (in sandic).  But this leaf, its color is brown, and the leaf is brown.  This one actually is a maple tree leaf, and its color is yellow, and look, it's yellow.  This leaf here is red.  Its color is red.  And, um, this leaf is orange, I guess.  Its color is orange.  Okay, so I'm going to talk about combo colors too, because look, this one isn't yellow, but it's greenish yellow.  Cause the colors are together.  Greenish yellow again, and this one is yellowish red.  And this one is blackish red.  This one is blackish yellow, or very spotted yellow- spotted yellow, but...  yeah, okay...  For me, the leaves of the maple, while they're changing colors, are the most liked, because they are very beautiful.  Isn't it so?  Don't you guys agree?  Look, they're so very beautiful...  I went walking into them.  I played like a kid, haha.  Um...  but okay, I've shown you guys the leaves, and I probably shouldn't talk anymore, since I know that youtube doesn't like big videos.  ...Okay.  Maybe sometime I'll make another new video- "video".  Bye, and good things to you all!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Taut - Thoth

Something a bit personal here, so I'll post but not provide a translation.  Since there's no translation, instead enjoy my Sandic handwriting.  Buahaha.  Let it not be said I made no fair trade. ;)

Order of Texts: Sandic


Katé ba jebé baahl jten ba mekâ, wî mamant ta méugan me baahl ba raug auniai, wî ba ham me ân jae kriani baahl frn ba auzoi, wî ba mî me frn ta mîalan zaoan wî madan ba auzo baahl.

Skra jéd ba kaxokai, lēena me, wî krian ba paela me, ymî arap wî res ian jwr ba ada.

Daeyúi kaahl jwr, ada ba ivi.

Daeyúi kaahl jwr, ba wîs ka umai wî umai krian baahl ba méân ka.

Daeyúi kaahl jwr, ba kaxmejai ân ahl usai, wî ba usai kaahl frn ta ka, wî ta uxadein ka.

Daeyúi lēéahl pélēa, ba mîal lēé ivi lēéxma.

Daeyúi lēéahl pélēa, ba frn lēé ba oka ivi baahl ba jebé.

Daeyúi lēéahl pélēa, ba oka lēiab baxneot ma..

Daeyúi lēéahl pélēa, ba faé bénonia lēéahl paelai siad.

Daeyúi lēéahl pélēa, ba faé arapnia lēéahl deyai siad.

Daeyúi lēéahl pélēa, ba faé mînia arap lēéeahl umasi siad.

Jégú ta orarabin utadein frn lēena jéd ba kamai arap, wî ba wîsra ba lēian kagriawi, olēétade.

Lēé ba gator utejaei, gator utemîi, ba lēian otaŵmî arap iat mîb kahami!

Lēé ba Taut, lēian yviata, ân felē gator otejardalē dé ba sa lēé. Fian olēéraug katetiadi, wî fian olēéma ân oteméâ ân ma, wî arap lēé ta sab kahamin olēétora san, ta jutin ba jiav me, ta gezon lēé.

Iné ân lēiab yte, wî yraug sa, wî pa JJewab wî Yéâb yféd.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


I hate numbers.  I was trying describe to a friend of mine how to use the numbers system in Sandic, and it occurred to me that though a system existed, I had absolutely no idea how to concretely describe it, nor what the rules "felt like" they should be.

Thanks to his patience, now the system will be written down, and I will no longer babbler like a gorasoi.


tré jé ké ulēor pén kis har geté jek soir
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

soir mé tré, soir mé jé -> soir mé jek
11, 12 - 19

jé soir, jé soiran ber tré -> jé soiran ber jek
20, 21 - 29


sosoir ber tré

sosoir ber jé soiran ber tré


taŵas ber tré

taŵas ber sosoir ber tré

Flag and "The Song That Never Ends"

My friend fish may or may not have made the awesome flag above.  I think this is pretty much the coolest thing someone's made for me in Sandic ever.

The text, "yneot sa... skra ba sandi..." is an inside joke between us.  "I have no idea... because Sandic."  The center of the flag is the character "le:", known as "l-bar".  It's an older character in Sandic and has multiple (frustrating and often contradictory) uses in the language.  How gorasoi.

Also, I accidentally another song last night.


Audio recording and upload >>

Order of Texts: Sandic -- Smooth English of Sandic -- Original English


jéb baahl ba kant kahami semab
gre kala ukanti bateahl
kémania ba kantab kaxrep ân kant
frn kia baahl kaxneot sa
wî gre kala biab katekant
wî iné ba skra


This is the song which lacks an end
it will be sung forever
someone started to sing it
he didn't know what it was
and he will sing it forever
and here's the reason why:


This is the song that never ends
and it goes on and on my friends
somebody started singing it
not knowing what it was
and he'll continue singing it
forever just because

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Fragment of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth - Ialthnia ta platalan smaratin ba ~taut

Been on a reading kick recently, came across something interesting.  Never knew that Thoth was associated with Hermes Trismegistus, but that just shows what I know. ;)

Anyway, here you go.

Voice Recorder >>

Order of texts: Original English -- Sandic -- Smooth English of Sandic


I, Thoth, the Atlantean,
give of my wisdom,
give of my knowledge,
give of my power.
Freely I give to the children of men.
Give that they, too, might have wisdom
to shine through the world from the veil of the night.
Wisdom is power and power is wisdom,
one with each other, perfecting the whole.
Be thou not proud, O man, in thy wisdom.
Discourse with the ignorant as well as the wise.
If one comes to thee full of knowledge,
listen and heed, for wisdom is all.


Felē ~taut yahl, ba dé atlántes yahl,
dab ba usain me ytora,
dab ba ufein me ytora,
dab ba béno me ytora.
Kaféri ian ta gezon ba kéman ytora.
Ytora ân wî élsol ba sab otolēlét
ân brelē o prîa dru ba zilab ba nosr.
Sa baahl béno, wî béno baahl sa,
tré ber ba juti, ba krianab berain oma.
Pé ba kémâ, piab opéneot bútjalē skra sa pé.
Ian ta jémain opéjaeso ŵé ian ta kafein.
Fî ân kémania pian kaféd, frn sa kaahl kriani,
opébra wî opétade san, skra ivi baahlra sa.


I am Thoth, who am from Atlantis,
I give something of my knowledge,
I give something of my wisdom,
I give something of my power.
I give freely to the children of men.
I give so that even they may have the knowledge
to shine on the earth through the veil of night.
Knowledge is power, and power is knowledge,
one with the other, together they make the whole.
O human, do not swell yourself up because of your knowledge.
Speak to the idiots as well as the wise. ("just as you do the wise")
If someone comes to you who is full of knowledge,
listen and learn, because knowledge is everything.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Conscript fun

I felt a bit guilty about not updating for a while, so I figured I'd drop something here!  Nothing too substantive, since all the things that I have been working on recently don't lend themselves so much to discussion in a blog format, but instead some pretty images to keep us all entertained.

Above, you can see my name written first in Arangothek and then in Sandic.

I had at some point created a cursive script for Arangothek (we all know how much I love cursive scripts), but it has been misplaced somewhere in the Great Pile of Crap.  I remember seeing it recently, but who knows where it's ended up now?  Maybe I'll locate it eventually.

Anyway, line 1 reads l->r and breaks down as xA rA N, "aran".  This is Arangothek script.

Line two reads l<-r and reads a-r-a-n, "Aran".  That's Sandic. 


Maybe I should have changed my name to "Aran" instead of "Aaron", huh?  That form seems to keep finding me somehow.  Oh well. ;)