Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Arangothek Question Song

After spending a while making a speaking phrasebook for Arangothek on the bdi wiki, I decided that I should feed this blog something fun as well.

Here, then, is the question words song! I used this when teaching myself Arangothek, and it's been very useful.

Order of media: MP3 -- Arangothek words -- English translation of Arangothek

Sintha la selintha, 
Sinmi la selinmi 
Sinpir la sinumpi 
Sinxa sin la sindra!


Who and who(pl),
What and what(pl),
When and where,
Why which and how!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Xam ba ame ba jjum maui - Prayer of White Bison Woman (White Buffalo woman)

I've come across this in both the book of fables that I've had since a little kid, and now in the internet.  I figure the universe was trying to tell me something!

I find it sad that this is meant to be a song in English, but the way that it's translated makes it very unsingable. I've fixed this for Sandic, and sung it for you below!  Here, then, is "Prayer of White Bison Woman" (also called "Prayer of White Buffalo (calf) Woman".

Sandic doesn't distinguish between "I walk" and "I am walking", which made this all the easier for me to translate.

Order of texts: English -- Sandic -- Smooth English of Sandic

With visible breath I am walking.
A voice I am sending as I walk.
In a sacred manner I am walking.
With visible tracks I am walking.
In a sacred manner I walk.

Skee uraugi yktreeka
Miib ytora meer treekaa
Wwee daeyuui ytreekaa
iirabin uraugin yktreekaa
Wwee daeyuui yktreekaa 

With visible breath I am walking
I give a call out as I am walking
In a sacred manner I am walking
With visible footprints I am walking
In a sacred manner I am walking.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Lēé ta zumin (Come on people now)

Yesterday's song birthed this one for me, as when it came on I started humming along.  I've been working on the dictionary, and so Sandic is becoming more active in this recently idle mind. :)  I should note that translations of songs into Sandic are often my own interpretation of the song's meaning.  Sometimes lyrics are less clear about what they actually mean, so I'll just go with whatever seems alright- and rhymes.

You'll notice a few differences, then, in the "smooth english of sandic" compared to the "english" section below.  I tried to keep them to a minimum, but if something else fit better to the song, then I used it.   Got to have them singable, after all!  (And this one totally is.)

I've got a few other interesting things to share with you all, but I'll save them for another post- tomorrow, maybe.  No need to make a huge one and flood the CBA. :)

Order of texts: English -- Sandic -- Smooth English of Sandic

Love is but a song we sing
fears, the way we die
You can make the mountains ring
or make the angels cry

Though the dove is on the wing
and you may not know why

Come on people, now
Smile on your brother
Everybody get together
try to love one another right now

Some may come and some may go
He will surely pass
When the one that left us here
returns for us at last
We are but a moment's sunlight
fading in the grass

If you hear the song I sing
you will understand...listen
You hold the key to love and fear
all in your trembling hand
Just one key unlocks them both
It's there at your command


Se kant aŵ baahl nu
Katemin, aŵmalēl
Ta jjujjan okant faé wîc pé
okant énjan skra ba
Jjiave ân amalthî balēané
Wî frn mî ba péneot sa

Lēé ta zumin,
Wena olēéma 
Lēain bera otaŵahl
Lēab otian ivin olēétora

Ébian wî pian oteféd
Ba pur batefac
Mér mée maka aŵ
Ân ŵiab ade bateféd
Ialth ba mlî tediai aŵtara
Pal graoam katalēli glén

Fî ân kantab me pétebra 
Biab pétefe, opébra 
Méâ ân ma ba seb wî fidab 
Pa ufe pé baahl 
Klî tré otian ivin bamajten 
Wîcab pé bagre ra


Love is just a song we sing
(if we fear), we die
The mountains sing according to your will
and the angels (also) sing because of it
though the dove is flying
and you do not understand its song

O you who are here,
walk in beauty
let us be happy together
give happiness to every one of (us)

(people) come and go from you
pain will flow (away)
when our creator "shows itself"
and comes to take us (away)
We are just a momentary piece of sunlight
turning dark in the grass

If you (will) hear my song
you will understand it, listen
the ability to create love and hate
is in your hands
There is only one key which opens (everything)
it just awaits your will!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Faee ivi

I work in a laidback kind of store where there's organic food sold, supplements given out, and people talk about planting gardens.  Yes, yes.  I work in a hippy store.

Like any good hippy store, this place plays classic 60's and 70's music, including this masterpiece by the Byrds.  After it got stuck in my head, you know exactly what I did, don't you?

Also, sorry about the long time between updates.  The dictionary I use has become overcrowded with write-ins, and I have to find some way to spend a week or so organizing everything so that I can get a fresh print copy.  I'm just so lazy. :((

Speaking of an abundance of new words, there's one here too.   "jau" means "rip"/"tear"/"rend", and comes from the older version of the word "mapeet", which was "saupeet".  You know how I love reusing classical Sandic.

Order of texts: English -- Sandic -- Smooth English of Sandic

To Everything (Turn, Turn, Turn)

There is a season (Turn, Turn, Turn)
And a time to every purpose, under Heaven

A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep

To Everything (Turn, Turn, Turn)
There is a season (Turn, Turn, Turn)
And a time to every purpose, under Heaven

A time to build up,a time to break down
A time to dance, a time to mourn
A time to cast away stones, a time to gather stones together

To Everything (Turn, Turn, Turn)
There is a season (Turn, Turn, Turn)
And a time to every purpose, under Heaven

A time of love, a time of hate
A time of war, a time of peace
A time you may embrace, a time to refrain from embracing

To Everything (Turn, Turn, Turn)
There is a season (Turn, Turn, Turn)
And a time to every purpose, under Heaven

A time to gain, a time to lose
A time to rend, a time to sew
A time for love, a time for hate
A time for peace, I swear it's not too late


Faé ivi (fac, ba-fac)
Baahl oka gamiai (fac, ba-fac fac)
Wî faé arvé ivi baahl o imprîa

Srît ân ahl umeci, srît ân malēl
Srît ân mafel srît ân ade,
Srît ân tu, srît ân iad
Srît ân aen, srît faé jilēr

Faé ivi (fac, ba-fac)
Baahlra skra (fac, ba-fac fac)
Wî faé arvé ivi baahl o imprîa

Srît ân maa, srît ân tu
Srît ân treej, srît ân jila
Srît ân ivib fialēr, srît ân ketabin ma

Srît ân se, srît ân fida,
Srît ba diijj, srît ba hu,
Srît ba kre, srît ba ham ân kre

Srît ân ade, srît ân ket,
Srît ân ma jau, srît ân firil
Srît ân se, srît ân fida 
Srît ân ahl huin, lēian ker raactab ymî


To everything (flow, it-flows)
There is a proper happening (flow, it-flows)
And for every intent there is one on earth

Time to be born, time to die
time to plant, time to take up
time to kill, time to help
time to laugh, a time for crying

time to build, time to take down (destroy)
Time to dance, time to be sad
Time to let everything go, time to make plans

Time to love, time to hate
Time for war, time for peace
Time for hugs, time for a lack of hugs

Time to win, time to lose
time to rip, time to sew (up)
Time to love, time to hate
time to be peaceful, I tell you this as a promise