Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Accidental Sandic -- Found a "ba"!

Someone linked an ebay auction in a chat that I was in, and I clicked to see what was so interesting- only to be surprised by two accidental "ba"s smiling right at me. Hello there!
Here's the obligatory "is it a ba or a bha" explanation image:
Personally, both of the "ba"s I pointed out just look like lazy (diacritic-less) "ba"s, not "bha"s. Also, look at the right-hand side of the ring, in the middle- is that another one? Ba-ring! :)

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Another, from Stephen Crane.  " Ancestry."

No new words.

Audio on the main post for those who care to hear.  I'm considering making a "mother of all things spoken Sandic" post sometime, for inclusion on the right-hand nav bar.  Suggestions, comments?

Order of texts:
Smooth English

Once I saw mountains angry,
And ranged in battle-front. 
Against them stood a little man; 
Aye, he was no bigger than my finger. 
I laughed, and spoke to one near me, 
"Will he prevail?" 

"Surely," replied this other; 
"His grandfathers beat them many times." 
Then did I see much virtue in grandfathers -- 
At least, for the little man 
Who stood against the mountains.


Srîtnia ta jjujjabin éngúin otiahb exraug
jebé op baxahl mead ân madîjj
pal tau op kaxovo kémâ kéi, trénui.
Felë exaen, iné jutiian exjae,
"Bal ân kategalën?"

"Rac baahl." Rial baxmî ba juti;
"Adan ta adan ka éra oxgalënra."
Iné felë exfe skra kia oahl erinin ta éradan --
a faé ba kémâ kéi
wwak katovo pal tau ta jjujjan.


Once I saw the mountains angry
their bodies turned into battle-grounds
before them stood one small man, all alone.
I laughed, and to another person spoke-
"Will he succeed?"

"Yes, he will."  The other replied;
"His father's fathers won against them many times."
And then I understood the importance of grandfathers-
at least for the little man
who stood there in front of the mountains.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Iné hamad kémania amatéi

Stephen Crane again, of course.  He seems to speak to me.

Also, I am experimenting with adding audio to these posts in a reliable fashion.  We'll see how it goes.

New words:
téngasi - stern, stone-faced, uncompromising (formed from éngúi, "angry")

New words from old words:
hamad - a gravesite (formerly just "a hole")
jjelu tréxabin - "to press/push lips" - to frown

Order of texts:

Behold, the grave of a wicked man

Behold, the grave of a wicked man,
And near it, a stern spirit.

There came a drooping maid with violets,
But the spirit grasped her arm.
"No flowers for him," he said.
The maid wept:
"Ah, I loved him."
But the spirit, grim and frowning:
"No flowers for him."

Now, this is it --
If the spirit was just,
Why did the maid weep?

Stephen Crane


Iné, hamad kémania amatéi

Iné, hamad kémania amatéi-
wî pal onj ba baahl lëivagém téngasi

Bian axféd iadkania jilai, kakrei niajjebin,
A ba lëivagém atian baxma ân otasem, 
"Zaoabin okaneot ade ba amatéi", kaxmî
Ba iadka axjilërra ra-
"A kiab exse ra."
A ba lëivagém, téngasira wî kajjelui tréxabin ba, baxmî:
"Zaoabin okaneot ade ba amatéi."

Iné rerda-
Fî ân gamia baxma ba lëivagém,
Skra kia axjilër ba iadka?

Behold, the grave of a wicked man

Behold, the grave of a wicked man-
and at its side is a stern spirit

A sad servant girl comes to it, carrying violets
but the spirit stops her,
"This wicked one should not take flowers", it says
The serving girl sobs-
"But I loved him so."
But the spirit, stern and frowning, says:
"This wicked one should not take flowers."

Behold a difficulty-
If the spirit has done gamia,
Why does the serving girl cry?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

"It was wrong to do this," said the angel - Stephen Crane

I found another good one by Stephen Crane.

There are two new words here-
mekolé, puppy  (me + kolé (dog))
mebren, baby sheep, lamb (me + bren (sheep))

For some reason I have yet to come up with a way of making something an "offspring" in Sandic.  I had an older word, though, "menahx" (now "menax") which meant "kitten".  I decided I liked the way it looked and am going to use the prefix me- to mean "young of" or "offspring of".  Hooray unrelated-to-anything-else prefixes.

What, me worry?

Order of texts:
Original English
Smooth English of Sandic.


"It was wrong to do this," said the angel

"It was wrong to do this," said the angel.
"You should live like a flower,
Holding malice like a puppy,
Waging war like a lambkin."

"Not so," quoth the man
Who had no fear of spirits;
"It is only wrong for angels
Who can live like the flowers,
Holding malice like the puppies,
Waging war like the lambkins."

Stephen Crane


"Lena batara ân jédko lëéxma," énjnia baxmî.

"Lena batara ân jédko lëéxma," énjnia baxmî.
"Zaoako olëéjjew,
énguin olëétahlso wwhé lé mekolé,
olëémadîjj obaahlso wwhé dîjjcnia lé mebren."

"Aunia lëéxneot mî," Kémania
 kahami temab frn lëenan kaxmî-
"ân ma jédko lena batara nu faé ta énjan,
skra oméâ ân jjew zaoako,
ân ahl énguin baahlso wwhé lé mekolé,
ân madîjj obaahlso wwhé dîjjcnia lé mebren."


"It is wrong that you should have done that way," an angel said.

"It's wrong that you should have done that way," an angel said.
"You should live like a flower,
be angry like puppies are,
and wage war like baby sheep."

"You have not spoken truly," a man 
without fear of spirits replied-
"It's only bad to do that way if one is an angel,
because they are capable of living like flowers,
being angry like puppies are,
and waging war like baby sheep."

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What I love most about rivers...

Yesterday while at work I started spontaneously translating a fragment of a song from Pocahontas.  Figured I'd share with you all.

I made it rhyme and was humming it all day at work, haha.

I'm a cruel person, so I uploaded a version of me singing it in my horrible voice.  You're welcome. (I'm sorry.)

Order of texts:
Original English
Smooth English

What I love most about rivers is
You can't step in the same river twice.
The water's always changing, always flowing,
But people I guess can't live like that,
We all must pay a price.
To be safe we lose our chance of ever knowing,
What's around the riverbend,
Waiting just around the riverbend!

I look once more, just around the riverbend,
beyond the shore!


Frn peradan bal ân emac ra-
gator perad berai baahl gre srît.
Ba kaevo bafac kahami semab
A kéman jédko oneot ma-
otjere ân otian ade ora-
safin awwneot méâ ân wwian masan
frn kia pal marumt batoka...
frn kia pal marumt batoka!

Ejj felë eraug,
wwak pal marumt ba perad
gre réjgrao!


I really like rivers because-
a river is never the same after some time.
The water flows without ever ceasing
But people don't do that-
They've got to acceptingly just give it up-
Safe, we can never learn about
what's around the corner there!
what's around the corner there!

I look again,
at the corner of the river
past the shore!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

A scene from Pocahontas.

When I was a kid, I adored this movie.  A friend mentioned a scene from it last night, and I told her I'd translate it for her.  Here you are!  No new words, sadly.

Image found here.

Order of text: 
Original English


"What is my path?  How will I ever find it?"
"Kia fias me baahl?  'Wwhé bal ân biab etesu ra?"
"What path my it-is?  How is-it that it-acc I-will-find really?"

"Your mother asked me the same thing."
"Jéd wî axbas ba ama pé fian."
 "That also she-past-ask the mother your to.me."

"She did?  What did you tell her?"
"Balra ân axbas?  Atian kiab péxmî?"
"It.is-true that she-past-ask? To.her what.acc you-past-say?"

"I told her to listen.  All around you are spirits, child!  They live in the Earth, the Water, the Sky.  If you listen, they will guide you."
"Atian exmî ân otabra.  Pal ivi pa mead pé lëenan oahl, lëé gezo!  Omect pa Grawwi, pa Kaevo, pa Lëyar.  Fî ân pétebra, pian otemée."
"To.her I-past-say that sugg-she-listen.  At everything in place your spirits they-are, O child!  They-live in Earth, in Water, in Sky.  If that you-future-listen, to.you they-future-show."

"I hear the wind!"
"Lëyucab biab ebra!"
"Wind-acc it.acc I-hear!"

"Yes, what is it telling you"?"
"Pian kiab bamî?"
"To.you what.acc it-say?"

"I don't understand."
"A yneot fe."
"But I-not understand."

"Kué kué natura- you will understand.  Listen with your heart, you will understand.  Let it break upon you like a wave upon the sand..."
"Kué kué natura- pétefe ra.  Rave pé opébra, pétefe ra.  Obaféd(co wwhé) kaevo réjgraoian..."
"Kué kué natura- you-future-understand really.  Heart your sugg-you-listen, you-future-understand really.  Sugg-it-come-(true.comparison like) water shore-to..."

"It's saying something is coming!  Strange clouds...? "
"...Bamî ân dania wwian baféd!  Jelëyun neodúsniatinnia..."
"...It-say that thing.uncertain to.us it-goes!  Clouds strange.uncertain..."

"Listen with your heart, you will understand."
"Rave pé opébra- biab pétefe ra."
"Heart your sugg-you-listen- it.acc you-future-understand really."

"What do you see?"
"Kiab baahl ân péraug?"
"What.acc it-is that you-see?"

"Clouds!  Strange clouds!"
"Jelëyun zum oahl!  Jelëyun neodúsniatinra!"
"Clouds here they-are!  Clouds strange.certain!"


"Look at it, Wiggins.  An entire new world, chock full of gold- just waiting for *me*."
"Meadab biab opéraug, pé Wwigans.  Imprîâ nabecoi baahl, pal ivi baahl alba - *iab* kagrei."
"Place.acc it.acc sugg-you-look, O Wwigans.  World new-true.comparison-adj it-is, at everything it.is gold- I.acc active-wait-adj."

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

McGuffey reader.

Saw someone doing something similar on the blog agreggator, and since a certain someone might benefit from simple pulled-apart texts, I decided to try my hand at a few painfully simple sentences.  I modified number four.

[1] I see a boy.
Kanab yraug.
Kan-ab y-raug.
boy-acc. I-see.

[2] I see a girl.
Aénab yraug.
aén-ab y-raug.
Girl- acc. I-see.

[3] I see a boy and a girl.
Kanab yraug wî aénab.
kan-ab y-raug wî aén-ab.
boy-acc. I-see and.also girl-acc.

[4] The boy sees the girl.*
Ba kan karaug ba aénab.
Ba kan ka-raug ba aén-ab.
The boy he-sees the girl-acc.

[5] I can see the girl and the boy.
Ba aénab wî ba kanab (otiab) yméâ ân raug.
Ba aén-ab wî ba kan-ab otiab y-méâ ân raug.
The girl-acc. and.also the boy-acc (them.acc) I-am.able "to" see.

[6] I can see the girl.
Ba aénab yméâ ân raug.
Ba aén-ab y-méâ ân raug.
The girl-acc I-am.able "to" see.

Thanks of course to this awesome dude.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Fî ân - Rumi

I felt like doing something (creation always soothes my nerves), so I surfed the web until I found a suitable poem.  By Rumi, its name is called "IF".  I used an English translation, as the native language of the poet I cannot understand. ;)  Here is where I found the poem.

I love nonrhyming poems.  The lack of need to focus on a rhyming scheme makes it possible for me to concentrate more on sentence structure and the nuances of meaning behind the work I'm translating.  Sandic poetry, when I write it, hardly ever rhymes for very similar reasons.

This poem was a bit of a challenge.  I created a pair of new words for it.

New words:
lëlétad - cage (from lëlét, to have + -ad, a suffix which does something like.. makes a random noun out of whatever it's attached to)

fédad - entrance, doorway (from féd, to go + -ad, the suffix I explained above)

Order of texts below:  Traditional - Gloss - Origin(al)
No híies tsidai today because I'm feeling lazy.  Maybe I'll add it later.


Fî ân piab auniai pétesu
pa ba péhâ kawîci
ta jwrin ivin
piab otegre ân iad.

fî ân frn ba péhâ auniai
pétesa, ba neoureci, ba ankoacoi
frn tead baahl ba fédad ba ân
jéd pétesa ra.

lëena pétara ureci wî
mectka ba dinú ba ân
bal ân pa safpa jelacoi
piab pétefialër ân pémect?

ba thîâ frn lëaact pétara
pa úldi ba ara kamecti
lenara baahl ân péxfialër ân pa
lëlétad, gizabin kalëléti

a fî ân dé mead jéb pétejard
dé ba lëlétad ébian, béenú ba baahl jebé
pétesa ra frn aunia, ân
kasai pétara, maka ba jjew.


If you should find your true self,
somewhere within the you that is wanting,
all the heavenly ones
will wait to help you.

If you should learn of the
you which is real- the wild one, animal-like
the whereabouts of the door to heaven
you will surely know.

You are a blessed spirit which
is a denizen of the gardens of heaven
will you then in a ruined house
allow yourself to live?

You are the bird of happiness,
residing in the miracle of existence
It's horrible if you just leave yourself
forever in a cage, chained up

But if you should escape from this place
the cage whose name is body
you will know of truth, that
you are knowledgable, the creator of life.


yourself from your selfish self
all heavenly spirits
will stand ready to serve you

if you can finally hunt down
your own beastly self
you have the right
to claim Solomon's kingdom

you are that blessed soul who
belongs to the garden of paradise
is it fair to let yourself
fall apart in a shattered house

you are the bird of happiness
in the magic of existence
what a pity when you let
yourself be chained and caged

but if you can break free
from this dark prison named body
soon you will see
you are the sage and the fountain of life