Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Blog closing!

PLEASE NOTE:  This is an outdated blog, and the links are a bit wonky. :)  They all still work, but you need to edit the links to make the target url "OLD-wytn-awake.blogspot.com"  rather than simply "wytn-awake.blogspot.com"  Okay?
All new content is over at wytn-awake.blogspot.com as per usual!

Friday, March 14, 2014

A Perfect Circle - Gravity

Was stuck on this song the other night, did the usual.

Order of Texts: Original English -- Sandic

Lost again
Broken and weary
Unable to find my way
Tail in hand
Dizzy and clearly
unable to
Just let this go

I am surrendering
to gravity and the unknown
Catch me
heal me
lift me back up to the sun
I choose to live

I fell again
Like a baby
unable to
stand on my own
Tail in hand
Dizzy and clearly
unable to
just let this go

I am surrendering
to gravity and the unknown
Catch me heal me lift me back up to the sun
I choose to live, I choose to live, I choose to live
Catch me
heal me

lift me back up to the sun
Help me survive the bottom
Calm these hands before they
Snare another pill and
Drive another nail down another
Needy hole
Please release me
I am surrendering to the gravity and the unknown
Catch me
Heal me

Lift me back up to the sun
I choose to live, I choose to live


uspeeti wii levi,
fiasab me yneot su fele:
ywiwi, yes uraugi
meeab yham
aan jeed nu feer

fele: iab yveel
pa vurab ba priiaa pa neousai
iab opeesod
iab opeeheelo
ejj ian mlii iab opeele:uma
ymeja aan jjew

Ejj esyumale:-
so wwee gezo
fele: meeaab yham
aan ovo masa
ywiwi, yes uraugi
meeab yham yes
aan jeed nu feer
fele: iab yveel

pa vurab ba priiaa pa neousai
iab opeesod
iab opeeheelo
ejj ian mlii iab opeele:uma
ymeja aan jjew
iab opeesod

ee heelo
ian mlii iab ejj opeele:uma
iab opeetiad aan lenab jjew
ta ufebin me opeesod
le:ia aan melasab ejj
pa ba hamab me y-

fele: iab yveel
pa vurab ba priiaa pa neousai
iab opeesod
iab opeeheelo
ejj ian mlii iab opeele:uma
ymeja aan jjew

Ecclesiastes 8:16-17

Someone linked me a book from the Bible earlier, Ecclesiastes. I've never read much of the Bible- it's not my thing, and I wasn't raised in that tradition. But some parts of this book really spoke to me. This passage in particular was beautiful.

This is Ecclesiastes 8:16-17.

Order of Texts: English -- Sandic


16 When I applied my mind to know wisdom and to observe the labor that is done on earth—
people getting no sleep day or night—
17 then I saw all that God has done. No one can comprehend what goes on under the sun. Despite all their efforts to search it out, no one can discover its meaning. Even if the wise claim they know, they cannot really comprehend it.


16. Gre aan fele: fian esmeja aan ade san fuun ba fuunsa, wii aan raug ta santabin o priia oahl umain -- otiab kamain ba keeman meer mon wii meer nosr baneot katee--
fele: fuun ba ivi biab basma jwr esraug fele:.
17. Keemania ta dabin pal uveen ma mlii otoka, otiab kaneot meeaa aan fe. Jjiave ta petan ivin aan biab su, fuun ba skra ba gator katetade san. Fii aan ta fuunsain omii aan fuun ba osa, jjiave ba mii biab gator otefe.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Meer treekaa me pa jeeb ba wwar - While I walk in this city

From "A Book of Pagan Prayer", by C. Serith.

zum pa diapo ba gunra ba wwar,
fuun ae sinabin yma.

pal uveen ta teemosan, pa erin ba uveen op,
wwak aahl ba grawwi, ba ama aww,
inee wwak baahl jebee ba jwia.

aahl gator utele:niali- wwak iat aahl.

le:ee ba deyai, fian ole:eema aan fuun le:ee otetabe,
meer treekaa me pa jeeb ba wwar.