Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Kud ba tale:l ivi - Cauldron of changes

I've had a song stuck in my head for a good while now, and like all things that end up in there, it inevitably came out in Sandic form.

Here's a video of the song on the tube of yous, and a translation (singable!  tested it myself) version is below.  Perhaps I'll record me singing later and upload it.

What can I say?  I am a fan of repetitive chants.  They're meditative and relaxing, and great for humming innocuously at work without offending my rather devout coworkers. ;)  Add to the fact that repetition and successive loops of song are good ways to move past anxiety attacks, and you've got a music form that I adore.

Order of texts: Sandic -- Smooth English of Sandic -- Original English

kud ba talēl ivi
lēitha o yact,
rúmtda ba kala
hamar pal pela

ta kaxarain aŵahl
ta katarain aŵahl
ta usain aŵahl
ta kaxmasanin


Pot of the changing of everything
feather on bone,
the turning of eternity
circle at a stone

We are the ones who were
We are the ones who are
We are the who are known
The ones who learned


Cauldron of changes
Feather on a bone
Arc of eternity
Ring around a stone

We are the old people
We are the new people
We are the same people
Wiser than before.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Ich weiß nicht was kommt

Bumping around youtube today, found a song that I liked.  It's originally in German, but I've translated it into English and Sandic below.

I don't really like the way I translated "there is nothing to lose" below (in Sandic).  It doesn't convey the proper meaning (and instead means something like "I will lose nothing"), but I can't figure out a good way to handle that kind of construction.  I'll have to come back to it.  It's singable, though.  Maybe once I get my new laptop...

Also, my English of the German doesn't quite close the loop properly.  In the original version, "Bin neugierig und freue mich auf das was zu mir kommt" is "I am curious and looking forward to what is coming to me", but "auf das was zu mir kommt brauche keine Angst" means "I do not need to fear what is coming to me".  I'm not sure there's a way to make both sentences work simultaneously in English like it does in the German. Just a heads-up.

Here're all the various translations of this song:

Order of texts: Sandic -- Smooth English of Sandic -- Original German -- Translated English


frn ba katetokai yneot sa, 
a felē yneot tem, 
daniab yteneot tofe, 
kasui yahl wî lēai yahl 

skra ba katetokai, 
felē oteneot tem, 
daniab yteneot tofe, 
kasui yahl wî lēai yahl


I do not know what will happen
But I am not afraid,
There is nothing to lose,
I am seeking and happy...

Because of what is to come
I should not be afraid
There is nothing to lose,
I am seeing and happy...


Ich weiß nicht was kommt
brauche keine Angst,
hab nichts zu verlieren,
bin neugierig und freue mich...

auf das was zu mir kommt
brauche keine Angst
hab nichts zu verlieren
bin neugierig und freue mich...


I do not know what comes
I need (not have any) fear,
I have nothing to lose,
I am curious and look forward to

That which is coming to me,
I need (not have any) fear,
I have nothing to lose,
I am curious and look forward to...