Friday, February 21, 2014

ON Namah Shivaya -- OM prii-kaev-hel-skee-ara

Came across this. Was listening to the Gayatri mantra and this happened to be in the video list with it.

I really like these kinds of chants! I can't capture the meaning entirely, but I can get different aspects of it in different repetitions.

This one is called "Aum Namah Shivaya", and I didn't attempt to get the entire chant. I just got the first part (and even that incompletely).

Order of Texts: Sanskrit -- Sandic -- Smooth English of Sandic


OM Namaḥ Śivāya
bare bare bhole
Namaḥ Śivāya
OM Namaḥ Śivāya
bare bare bhole
Namaḥ Śivāya


Online recording software >>

OM prii-kaev-hel-skee-ar(a)
otemii a otemii
bee-enuub ba ivi
OM feer-prii-jwr-sa-le:en(a)
otemii a otemii
bee-enuub ba ivi


OM earth-water-fire-air-existence
may I say may I say
the name of the ALL
OM mercy-world-god-knowledge-soul
may I say may I say
the name of the ALL

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Ba iibuu biab bale:nial

I was on the porch wondering why I couldn't see the moon when this song happened. Thanks to furrykef for helping me figure out what the melody was from!

Apparently this is a weird version of "Frere Jacques", even though the song has nothing to do with it. :)

Order of texts: Original Sandic -- English


ba iibuu biab bale:nial
ba iibuu biab bale:nial
tead baahl?
tead baahl?
pal gol le:yusan pa le:yar bale:nial
pal gol le:yusan pa le:yar bale:nial
biab bale:nial
biab bale:nial


The moon is hiding itself!
Oh, where is it?
Where is it?
It is hiding behind the clouds
It is hiding behind the clouds
It's hiding!
It's hiding!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Ta uxmejain tjere ba jteni

Someone shared something on Facebook and it caught my eye. Once again I do random translations of stuff, bahaha.

It apparently originated here.

Order of Texts: English -- Sandic -- Smooth English of Sandic


Vows of the Priestess

I choose to walk my path fearlessly
To live with my Heart wide open
To be Grateful for my experiences
Which led me straight into the arms of the Goddess

And taught me compassion for all things

To forgive and forgive and forgive again
While maintaining the boundaries of my own Sacredness
Not resisting life,
but allowing it to be

To accept and embrace it
And transmute my fear and suffering into Joy
And just by Being,
give others permission to do the same.

To know that everyone is a mirror
Reflecting the light of the Goddess
All with Truth at the core of their being
All unique, all beautiful, all different aspects of Her.

Source: Ariadnes Temple


Uxmejain tjere ba jteni

Kaxmejai yahl aan treekaa fiasab me klee, temab kahamira
Aan jjew jteni,
Aan kaja skra ta okan ivin,
Skra jeeguu ta iab pa kreb ba jwia iab hiakt oxtjeer,
oahl ta fian frn wiikias faee ivi
sanab kaxorain.

Aan feer wiii feer ejj wii feer iat ejj ra,
a meer feer fele: ba lunub ba deya me yfadis
ian ba jjew yneot diijj, a ian oka ba yfeer,
biab ytade, wii pa me biab ykre,
temab wii lasveb me otiab tu masra ytale:l
wii jeedi katarai
ian ta jutin ymee-e aan ma jeed baahl ufeeri.

Aan sa aan ivi kenee kaahl,
ba yeeab ba jwia batonaha,
aan pal esle:am op ivin baahl ba Aunia keri,
aan oahl treenuinra masa ivin, wenain ivin, ialthan wii mee-en jutin ba Ivi.

Masa: Tamla ba Areatnee


that of the Awakened which had to be committed to

I have chosen to walk on my path lacking fear,
to live open(ly),
to thank for every occurrence,
for every occurrence, as they have led me perfectly into the arms of the Lady,
and they are that which has taught me of
compassion for all things.

To forgive and forgive again and forgive yet again,
though while forgiving I protect that bubble of my worthiness/honor/value
I do not fight against life, but I forgive/allow its passing,
I accept it, and carry it within me,
i am changing fear and regret in me till they are joy
and thus being
I show to the others that to do this is allowed.

To know that every one is a mirror,
which reflects the light of the Lady,
that at the center of every one there is the lasting Truth,
that they each are unique from the foundations, every one is beautiful, pieces and revelations of the All.

source: temple of ariadne.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Mary had a little lamb -- Brenab ba miare axle:leet keei

Starting singing this for no apparent reason.

Order of texts: Original English -- Sandic


Mary had a little lamb
little lamb
little lamb
Mary had a little lamb
its fleece was white as snow

And everywhere that Mary went
Mary went
Mary went
And everywhere that Mary went
the lamb was sure to go.


brenab ba miare axle:leet keei
axle:leet keei
axle:leet keei
brenab ba miare axle:leet keei
huungar ba maui baxahlso wwee jeejee

wii mer feed ae ian meadnia
ian meadnia
ian meadnia
wii mer feed ae ian meadnia
ba bren atiab baxkfee

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Gayatri Mantra in Sandic -- Ba kant saveturr

Looking up chants, came across this one. It calmed me down pretty well.

I used a translation off of Wikipedia (or rather, a couple different translations) to create the Sandic here.

I noticed the Wikipedia article claims each one of these lines has 8 syllables. That's not the case for the video I learned it from. Given I learned to chant it from the video, I followed that. I'm sure no one around here is going to be offended and correct me, after all, when I chant in Sandic.

The first line has five syllables, the second nine, third nine, fourth 8th, fifth 1. Like I said, I'm not sure what's up with that, but okay. Works fine for me. ;)

Order of texts: Original Sanskrit -- Sandic -- English


Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
Oṃ tát savitúr váreṇ(i)yaṃ
bhárgo devásya dhīmahi
dhíyo yó naḥ pracodáyāt


Om priia skee wii le:yar
Om frn saveturr ba aenab
auzeri kabrele: otawwtade
tsaman aww wwiab okale:uma


Om, earth, air and sky
Om, the shining/revealing/pleasant light of Savitur
which is good, he who shines, may we take it in
By our prayers may he raise us up