Friday, January 28, 2011


Care to listen?

Féúluc baahl naulé katui ta lēlain, ta bertalaoin, ta naberain
Féúluc baahl pela rolēthini, pal ba bajjew neot
Féúluc baahl ba lisa amatéi mé ba emú akyui

lēian ebas, lēé ba kame ba kéfaluc, ân lēétrékâ ó ba imprîâ
ân ba mlî ba núkiam, kateraug wian
mé enfelan etole dé ta îrin lēé


Winter is the wolf killing the old, the sick, and the very young
Winter is the hard stone where nothing lives
Winter is the evil beak and the sharp talons

We ask you, o youth of spring, to dance upon the earth
So that the sun of Núkiam will look to us
And flowers will spring from your footsteps.


Found here.

A note: The sun is considered to be one of Núkiam's eyes. If the sun is looking at the earth, then Núkiam must be looking, as well. It is for this reason that the verb used is kateraug (he will look), not bateraug (it will look).

A further note: Aurg, I said 'greefeluc'(fall) instead of keefaluc(spring). I'll re-record this again sometime so it'll be right.

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