Monday, August 15, 2011

Kamasani yahl frn ba hispani

Opémer méedab jéd ba haecda! Eĵ yahl kamasani frn jaeact juti.. Tasnidnia me fian axmî ân fî ân etemasan frn ba hispani, ta kéman, osu santakémabin, owîcignia ân otesanta faé wîc op.

Yahl sawîci frn fî ân kamasaniact me batema juti jaeb me frn ba sandi. Bal jaeact me bateahl siad 'hispani'-koi? :p

Etesa, balnia?


Yahl wî kawîci ân lēlét 'blog'abnia pa biab etehaec xsinabin me pa ba sandi, ân eteméâ ân mer ta haecdabin me, ân ma siaderini ostonéarab kilúi me. A etem ân mî jéd skra frn me esara, wî ân etemî 'jéd etema ra!', jéd eteneot ma ra :p


Read the topic of this post! I'm learning another language again... A friend of mine told me that if I'll learn Spanish, people who are looking for employees would be more likely to want to hire me.

I want to know if my learning of Spanish will affect the way I speak Sandic. Will my language change to become more spanish-like? :p

I guess I'll find out, right?

I just have to wait.

I'm also wanting to have a blog in which I'll write thoughts/entries in Sandic, so that I can read what I've written and expand my 'head' vocabulary. But I'm afraid to say that because I know how I am, and that if I say 'I'm going to do that!', I won't actually do it. :p

Just for fun, with word stress highlighted (since I'm still trying to figure out what, exactly, the rule is (even though the rule obviously *exists*)):

Opémer méedab jéd ba haecda! Eĵ yahl kamasani frn jaeact juti.. Tasnidnia me fian axmî ân fî ân etemasan frn ba hispani, ta kéman, osu santakémabin, owîcignia ân otesanta faé wîc op.

Yahl sawîci frn fî ân kamasaniact me batema juti jaeb me frn ba sandi. Bal jaeact me bateahl siad 'hispani'-koi? :p

Etesa, balnia?


Yahl wî kawîci ân lēlét 'blog'abnia pa biab etehaec xsinabin me pa ba sandi, ân eteméâ ân mer ta haecdabin me, ân ma siaderini ostonéarab kilúi me. A etem ân mî jéd skra frn me esara, wî ân etemî 'jéd etema ra!', jéd eteneot ma ra :p

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