Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Finishing up the Teach Yourself today, found this:

"Min ve donnix ai kar ben linpir lintha an olglipix ai menx mek, koi min mu ve simpix, kar lintha di.... -- Deg-Pat"
"I hope that sometime someone will understand all (of) this, but I don't know that anyone (ever) will... --Other-Pat"

I know that feeling so well! This is the same sentiment that I expressed with the poem "rerda", "difficulty", and I bet this is something that most conlangers feel in their own time.

We as conlangers are fated to build a wonderful party, set the tables and the plates, worry over the finest details to make sure everything is just right, and then must wait patiently for the guests; we cannot know who they are, or if they are even coming. It's a frustrating kind of feeling, to be sure.

Well, vorfon Feaster, wherever you are, min ve olglipix la min ve korkix ai ken taslepkar ken er ultix ai arangothek flar!

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