Sunday, October 6, 2013

Taram -- Bravery/courage

Wrote this on the spur of the moment tonight, thinking about my very sore muscles, and how, despite the pain I am feeling, I feel no regrets about it, and instead only contentment and peace.  I would not be any other way right now.

 Updates have been fewer because my life is very busy right now.  Transition means that my brain is changing, my interpretation of situations is changing, and my overall mental state is changing!  I am happier than I have been in... ever, really, and as a result am more social.  More social means that I am with people, and being with people means I need to discuss people things, which does not often lend itself to use of or discussion of conlangs, or Sandic.  Poor thing.

I still write in it, though.  You can see the proof below!  Once my voice changes, I think I will write something to accompany this one, and record it as I actually should sound.  Ygre kamaci.  I wait happily.

In the meantime, listen to the below here:

Older version: - Pre-T.
Newer version: - ~2/3 weeks T?

Both provided for your auditory amusement!  My voice is changing. :D

Order of texts: Original Sandic -- Smooth English of Sandic

pur bamée
fian kajaei frn lenania ba
Jebé me, biab lëia srîtnia
Kadévai ân gator pa ba, ba, wena
Eteméâig ân jjew
Iab ba kaméei
Ba pur bajae frn ta jjelucan
Ma me oahl upurin
Katezefain, umain taram
Ba felë pa ba felë


There is pain
Speaking to me about some issue of
This body, which I have in the past
Believing that in it, via it,
I would never properly live
Showing myself through it.
The pain speaks of the muscles
which have been hurt by my actions
And will be healed by them
Which will grow because of them, wrought in courage/daring
This me inside the me
which will show.

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