Last night I finally finished translating that children's story which I've been working on for months and months and months. (Off and on, of course!...)
That means that I have a fully finished story! ... Unfortunately, because I chose to translate a children's book which was copyrighted, I can't share it with you! (At least, not without fearing losing this blog and, uh.. lots of money, neither of which I would like!)
Because I'm running off of this 'accomplishment high', I decided the snoop around and see if I could find any interesting PD (Public Domain) short stories to translate!
I found this one, titled 'The Crow', and decided to give it a few (read: a whole lot of) improvements. My version (or half of it, because I'm horrible and like to make you wait for awesome endings) follows below!
The ___ is because I don't have a word for 'pot'(the thing in which one places water for cooking), and am too lazy to create one right now. Oh well!
Also, I nearly forgot to mention... I finally finished typing up the dictionary! I finished updating the version that I keep online (somewhere, I won't tell you for some reason. Hooray needless secretiveness!) and sent a copy to Lulu. I now have two printed copies on the way to my house. I'm really excited to have a portable dictionary again!
The only issue I can foresee with this is that once a year (or more often, maybe?...) I'll have to print a new one. Even that's not much of an issue. I can keep a piece of paper with all the new words and just add them to the file I have, then print another one for $6.00 or whatever it was! :)
Plus it'll be spiffy and pocket-sized (like 4" by 6.something", if I remember right). I'm really excited.
Ere ta akathiian
Drialēzé ba ere
Gre srît axjjew drialēzé frn ere. Ba drialēzé axahl siadnabei faé ivi ta gezon frn troukâ ae. Jjiave ân axneot ahl siadwenai faé ivi ta gezon, mekâ ae siadwenarai baxahl.
Ra neot dé kasla troukâ ae fovi, juti kasla baxahl, mé ba kasla juti lēlai baxahl, jelaci. Dinú ba kasla ba juti baxahl erinrai mé ŵak oxzefa erain zaoan. Ohî ba drialēzé baxahl ân trékâ ŵak, karaugi ta zaoabin.
Mohnnia mér trékâ ae pal uvén ta jéúmén mémadin, akathîâ gléni kaxyum dé yîté fel pal tau ba drialēzé. Ba thîâ upuri baxahl, mé pal ba pakéî baxfac. Ba drialēzé biab axkre kaslian ba troukâ ae, mé ta keman ba troukâ oxhij ta purdabin ba. Levi baxahl, mé nera baxahl ân malēl, a ba drialēzé biab axraug mé lēai axahl jésriit pa kia axraug ân ba thîâ siad batejjew. Ba drialēzé faé ba thîâ axahl tasnidra. Mohnnia, mér trékâ ba drialēzé pal dinú ba kasla ba juti, ba akathîâ atian baxjae.
“Akathîâ yneot ara, a kémâ yahl- drialēzka faé ere- uxúldi.”
Ba drialēzé axsa ân auniadab baxmî ba thîâ, skra thîan dusniatin oneot jae, wî ta lēavageeman lenain oneot méâ an viata.
“Uxúldi yahl ân madiijj faé yehén. Mekab lēé felē biab ysa, lēé drialēzé. Kémania okamadiijj faé ba yehén, ân mée hatemactab. Jjiave eteahl uxúldi gre kala.”
Ba drialēzé axahl ra hatemi, mé ba akathîan axmî ân biab ateiad.
“Zum pa kasla biab olēégre, lēé drialēzé. Mér katé lēé, lēian bateféd. Fî ân lēéwîc ân biab miarcé, olēéneot féd ébian dé ba jam, pa ba lēétekaté, ú gre kala eteahl uxúldi.”
Ba ere wî kuname ba ere oxahl lēain skra hatemact drialēzé ae, mé skra jéd atian oxora pén dîjjckabin usain mé erain kemabin. Gre tré mohn, ba drialēzé wî ta dîjjckan wî ta keman ae oxféd kaslian ba jelaci.
Mér nocr, ba drialēzé axneot méâ ân katé. Mér eslēam ba nocr, pag ba jam ae natul erin baxjtenav, wî ŵak baxovo yehén erinrai, kjjarai. Jjoharai baxahl, mé dé lēstor ba kaevo baxfac. Baxlēlét emúbin erinrain mé méugan ba, pîr oxbrelē. Baxneot jae- baxma helab pa ba heon erini: jésrît baxpútú ba ___ab ukrei ba o hel.
The Crow Queen
The princess
Once upon a time there was a princess. She was the youngest of four sisters, and although she was not more beautiful than the other two, she was the one with the most beautiful heart.
Not far from the palace in which the princess’s family lived, there was a castle which was uninhabited and almost a ruin. The garden of this castle was a mass of blooming flowers, and the youngest princess liked to walk there.
One day when she was pacing to and fro under the lime trees, a black crow fell out of a rose-bush in front of her. The poor bird was all torn and bleeding, and the kind little Princess was very sad. She took the crow home with her and her servants bound its wounds. It was so weak it almost died, but the princess took care of it personally and was very happy when she saw that it would live. The princess and her bird become good friends. One day, while the princess was walking in the gardens of the ruined castle, the crow spoke to her.
“I am not really a black crow, but a prince, who has been cursed.”
The princess knew the crow told the truth, because normal birds do not talk and evil spirits cannot ask favors.
“I have been cursed to face a monster. I know that you have a kind heart, princess. Someone must show the monster that they are not afraid, or else I will be cursed forever.”
The princess, who was very brave, told the crow that she would help him.
“You must wait for the monster here in the castle, princess. When you are sleeping, it will come for you. If you wish to defeat it, you must not leave the room where you will sleep. If you step outside of the room during the night, I will never be free.”
The king and queen were proud of their youngest daughter for being so brave, so they gave her five noble knights and all the servants she could ask for. The next day, she and the knights and the servants went together to the ruined castle.
When night came, the princess could not sleep. At midnight her door was flung wide open and a huge monster appeared. It was very fat and it dripped water from its fur. It had huge claws and glowing red eyes. It held a very large pot. Without a word, it lit a fire in the huge fireplace; then it placed the pot, which was full of water, onto it.
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