Got ahold of my childhood storybook the other day and was flipping through, when I saw this little story. I initially wanted to translate the longer story before it ("orphan boy brings the elk dogs"), but this one just sort of happened! Perhaps I will do the other one tonight or later.
Text just in sandic for now, since I am lazy. ...Want to hear me reading the story back from a piece of paper outside at night? Here you go: . I stumbled a bit when the paper was hard to see, but otherwise it is fine. Used a german r in there somewhere too, which is weird. I almost never do that.
... Ever since I learned what an ejective is, I have been self conscious about them In Sandic. Let's see if awareness changes them!
Ba ame ba hija damdabin aviata, a atian orialalë.
Ba ame ba hija, ofoww ae ofowwab kaxlëlét, wî jinin oxahl jégú ta oxahl jé. Kojiteian oxféd, wî dé safpa dé safpa oxféd ân Viata wwak damdabin, a ta wwak kamectin otian oxrialalë. Karedin oxahl ân thenab anauz. Mér jéd ba lëia, hija gator baxwhahl pa damdabin utorai.
Gre ân safpanian ivin oxféd ba ame ba hija wî ofoww ba ofoww ae, meadian oxféd, pal nât ta puébilon, pal wwak oxpiat Gezon ivin. Ta gezon ivin otiab oxúraj ân raug ba jadab, uldii biab axlëlét o ufe ae. Otian gre jéménia axtjér, wî otian axmî ân kéjalabinnia otosod, wî ân otiab wwak otokre. Jada ae, otiab axtalël thîanian, ta wwak pa jéd ba jémé omect.
Mér pa puébilon awwxahl, kémania wwian daniab kaxneot ora." Axmî ba ame ba hija. "Gre nalëu thîan lëétetara pélëa."
Ba ame ba hija wî ba ofoww ba ofoww ae, étilëaian oxféd, gre ân pa santatomingo oxahl, wî pa wwak wena otiab oxade ta kamectin, wî otian damdabin oxora. Gre ân oxdam, ba ame ba hija axmî, "ykajara ân fian damdabin lëéxora." wî otian ialthab ba aud ae axora. Ta kamectin biab pa imeb wî awwtsab oxora. Gúcab auzoi baxlëlét, hijai.
"Pa kojite," otian axmî ba ame ba hija, "fian oxrialalë ân ora dabnia, wî gre féd me ébian faé ta puébilon op, ta gezobin extalël thîanian, pa jémé iat okep. A pélëa lëian ykajara felë."
"Enkian eteféd, wî étilëaian, wî wwak etemect, wî fî ân awwtsab lëétewiic siadi, pal wwak bateahl wî eteahl."
"Mér úraj lëé pal wwak, olëéneot aen, olëéneot kant, olëéneot ma mac. Hein olëéahl, wî lëimin."
Santatomin dé ba axféd ébian, gre ba réjil ba hija, dé wwak ba hijab aww biab nalëu awwkre.
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