Thursday, August 15, 2013

lëé ba pal toâ - o you up there

Got my hard copy of "A Book of Pagan Prayer" by Ceisiwr Serith today, and on flipping through I see quite a few little ones that I want to play with!

I have in the past translated a prayer of his (in Sandic called "Gamia", I am not sure of the English name).  He is a really cool guy and actually commented on my yutube video with a translation of the same poem into his own conlang!  Needless to say, i was instantly a huge(r) fan. You can see his video here: .

Anyway, here is a translation of his petitionary prayer, "hey you up there".  Out of respect for the fact that these prayers are published, I will only place the Sandic and smooth English of Sandic forms here.  Had to slightly modify it (added an extra repetition to the first "stanza"), but this is otherwise the same thing.

I guess I could have said "rerdab" instead of "lenab", but ehh.  Same thing mostly.

I picked up my penny jar and sang a song of this, too.  You can listen here.

Order of texts: Sandic -- Smooth English of Sandic

Lëé ba pal toâ
Lëé thîâ pal toâ
Lëé ba pal toâ
Lëé ba thîâ

Fian opéraug ra
Fian opéraug ra
fian opéraug ra
Pal uvén iab opéraug ra
Lenab opétade
Lenab opétade
Lenab opétade
Biab fovian opékre.


O you up there
O bird up there
O you up there
O bird
Look to me
Look to me
Look to me
Take away the bad
Carry it away.

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