Saturday, August 18, 2012

Biab kaxade (lēnial) -- It was taken (theft)

Someone a few weeks ago took my wallet and all the money I had in it.  It must have fallen out of my pocket as I was walking through the gas station, and someone must have scooped it up.  They took the money and then tossed it aside.  

I realized how little money means to me when I was more upset over losing the wallet (which I've had for years and which is one of the first things I ever bought for myself) than the money within (about $60).  

After searching for it all over the place where I work, I went back to the gas station- and in a moment of inspiration dug through a trash can.  Sure enough, there it was.  

I can't describe how grateful I was to have found it.  I was sure I'd lost it forever, this silly little thing of leather and string.  Closure is something powerful.  They left all my cards, my id, my good luck coin (no face value, not a money-coin), my zen tag...

God bless 'em.

Had I looked for it any later, the trash would have been changed (they were in the process as I scooped it up), and I never would have found this thing again.  But I did, and I am very grateful.

When I got home, I was in an odd meditative mood.  This poem came from that.  It's original in Sandic.

New things:
I'm pretty sure I created the word amal just for this poem.  Its thought-progenitor (unintentionally) is awen, a term from modern druidry.  The word itself is formed from amal in Sandic, which existed beforehand and means a muttering, a quiet cooing, a divine whisper.

Order of texts: Sandic -- Gloss

Biab kaxade (lēnial)

pa kudab biab kaxpútú,
ba lēlétdab me frn dék-
dab me skrania usei
pal ivi biab kasui exahl
a fian sisi baxféd iné

ŵak baxahlco ŵhé thîâ uxpuri,
pal uvén ba téradan

Jwrian skra amalan ba felē ykaja.


it was taken (theft)

He put it into the trash,
my wallet-
this thing which is special somehow
and I looked for it here and there
but a whispering came

there it was like a wounded bird,
under the trash
just left there
now found

I thank God for its inspirations.


  1. I'm glad to hear you were able to recover the wallet; congrats.

    1. Thank you both for reading, and for the kind reply. I wish you well.

  2. Thank YOU for reading and commenting! Be well!
