Saturday, August 11, 2012

Le:ee ba sanab kasai -- O knower of wisdom -- Majstro pri sagheco

I have a little Esperanto book called "Diverskolora bukedeto" (" little bouquet of diverse colors" ). In it is a little poem the name of which I unfortunately forget at the moment. I've looked for it once or twice through the book again, but I cant locate it. Oh well.

This fragment of that unnamed poem is the first thing I've ever (to my knowledge) translated from Esperanto into my conlang. I rewrote it a little (with obligatory Deeviat reference) and added a tiny piece at the end.

This could also probably be adapted for use with Kuan Yin instead of Deeviat.

Order of texts: Esperanto -- Gloss of Esperanto -- Sandic -- Gloss of Sandic

Majstro pri sagheco,
forpelu malproksimen de ni
la senton de laceco
che servoj,
kiujn ni devas fari
al niaj nesciaj gefratoj.


O sage of wisdom
repel from us
that feeling of tiredness
of help,
which we must give
to our unknowledgeable brothers.


Le:ee deeviat, gamiab kasai,
eebian biab ole:eema
ba hamab frn wiic
aan ma iad,
aan iad skra ma op gezotoi
ta kadan aww neokasain
jjiave aan eerain oahlra
le:iab otawwtabe.


O deeviat, who knows gamia
put it away
that lack of want
to help
to help because of their childishness
our brothers who do not know.
though their numbers are great,
may we not forget you.

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