Hello! This is a blog with older content. Any language information here may be out of date. :)
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Blog closing!
NOTE: This is an outdated blog, and the links are a bit wonky. :)
They all still work, but you need to edit the links to make the target url
"OLD-wytn-awake.blogspot.com" rather than simply "wytn-awake.blogspot.com" Okay?
Friday, March 14, 2014
A Perfect Circle - Gravity
Was stuck on this song the other night, did the usual.
Order of Texts: Original English -- Sandic
Lost again
Broken and weary
Unable to find my way
Tail in hand
Dizzy and clearly
unable to
Just let this go
I am surrendering
to gravity and the unknown
Catch me
heal me
lift me back up to the sun
I choose to live
I fell again
Like a baby
unable to
stand on my own
Tail in hand
Dizzy and clearly
unable to
just let this go
I am surrendering
to gravity and the unknown
Catch me heal me lift me back up to the sun
I choose to live, I choose to live, I choose to live
Catch me
heal me
lift me back up to the sun
Help me survive the bottom
Calm these hands before they
Snare another pill and
Drive another nail down another
Needy hole
Please release me
I am surrendering to the gravity and the unknown
Catch me
Heal me
Lift me back up to the sun
I choose to live, I choose to live
uspeeti wii levi,
fiasab me yneot su fele:
ywiwi, yes uraugi
meeab yham
aan jeed nu feer
fele: iab yveel
pa vurab ba priiaa pa neousai
iab opeesod
iab opeeheelo
ejj ian mlii iab opeele:uma
ymeja aan jjew
Ejj esyumale:-
so wwee gezo
fele: meeaab yham
aan ovo masa
ywiwi, yes uraugi
meeab yham yes
aan jeed nu feer
fele: iab yveel
pa vurab ba priiaa pa neousai
iab opeesod
iab opeeheelo
ejj ian mlii iab opeele:uma
ymeja aan jjew
iab opeesod
ee heelo
ian mlii iab ejj opeele:uma
iab opeetiad aan lenab jjew
ta ufebin me opeesod
le:ia aan melasab ejj
pa ba hamab me y-
fele: iab yveel
pa vurab ba priiaa pa neousai
iab opeesod
iab opeeheelo
ejj ian mlii iab opeele:uma
ymeja aan jjew
Order of Texts: Original English -- Sandic
Lost again
Broken and weary
Unable to find my way
Tail in hand
Dizzy and clearly
unable to
Just let this go
I am surrendering
to gravity and the unknown
Catch me
heal me
lift me back up to the sun
I choose to live
I fell again
Like a baby
unable to
stand on my own
Tail in hand
Dizzy and clearly
unable to
just let this go
I am surrendering
to gravity and the unknown
Catch me heal me lift me back up to the sun
I choose to live, I choose to live, I choose to live
Catch me
heal me
lift me back up to the sun
Help me survive the bottom
Calm these hands before they
Snare another pill and
Drive another nail down another
Needy hole
Please release me
I am surrendering to the gravity and the unknown
Catch me
Heal me
Lift me back up to the sun
I choose to live, I choose to live
uspeeti wii levi,
fiasab me yneot su fele:
ywiwi, yes uraugi
meeab yham
aan jeed nu feer
fele: iab yveel
pa vurab ba priiaa pa neousai
iab opeesod
iab opeeheelo
ejj ian mlii iab opeele:uma
ymeja aan jjew
Ejj esyumale:-
so wwee gezo
fele: meeaab yham
aan ovo masa
ywiwi, yes uraugi
meeab yham yes
aan jeed nu feer
fele: iab yveel
pa vurab ba priiaa pa neousai
iab opeesod
iab opeeheelo
ejj ian mlii iab opeele:uma
ymeja aan jjew
iab opeesod
ee heelo
ian mlii iab ejj opeele:uma
iab opeetiad aan lenab jjew
ta ufebin me opeesod
le:ia aan melasab ejj
pa ba hamab me y-
fele: iab yveel
pa vurab ba priiaa pa neousai
iab opeesod
iab opeeheelo
ejj ian mlii iab opeele:uma
ymeja aan jjew
Ecclesiastes 8:16-17
Someone linked me a book from the Bible earlier, Ecclesiastes. I've never read much of the Bible- it's not my thing, and I wasn't raised in that tradition. But some parts of this book really spoke to me. This passage in particular was beautiful.
This is Ecclesiastes 8:16-17.
Order of Texts: English -- Sandic
16 When I applied my mind to know wisdom and to observe the labor that is done on earth—
people getting no sleep day or night—
17 then I saw all that God has done. No one can comprehend what goes on under the sun. Despite all their efforts to search it out, no one can discover its meaning. Even if the wise claim they know, they cannot really comprehend it.
16. Gre aan fele: fian esmeja aan ade san fuun ba fuunsa, wii aan raug ta santabin o priia oahl umain -- otiab kamain ba keeman meer mon wii meer nosr baneot katee--
fele: fuun ba ivi biab basma jwr esraug fele:.
17. Keemania ta dabin pal uveen ma mlii otoka, otiab kaneot meeaa aan fe. Jjiave ta petan ivin aan biab su, fuun ba skra ba gator katetade san. Fii aan ta fuunsain omii aan fuun ba osa, jjiave ba mii biab gator otefe.
This is Ecclesiastes 8:16-17.
Order of Texts: English -- Sandic
16 When I applied my mind to know wisdom and to observe the labor that is done on earth—
people getting no sleep day or night—
17 then I saw all that God has done. No one can comprehend what goes on under the sun. Despite all their efforts to search it out, no one can discover its meaning. Even if the wise claim they know, they cannot really comprehend it.
16. Gre aan fele: fian esmeja aan ade san fuun ba fuunsa, wii aan raug ta santabin o priia oahl umain -- otiab kamain ba keeman meer mon wii meer nosr baneot katee--
fele: fuun ba ivi biab basma jwr esraug fele:.
17. Keemania ta dabin pal uveen ma mlii otoka, otiab kaneot meeaa aan fe. Jjiave ta petan ivin aan biab su, fuun ba skra ba gator katetade san. Fii aan ta fuunsain omii aan fuun ba osa, jjiave ba mii biab gator otefe.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Meer treekaa me pa jeeb ba wwar - While I walk in this city
From "A Book of Pagan Prayer", by C. Serith.
zum pa diapo ba gunra ba wwar,
fuun ae sinabin yma.
pal uveen ta teemosan, pa erin ba uveen op,
wwak aahl ba grawwi, ba ama aww,
inee wwak baahl jebee ba jwia.
aahl gator utele:niali- wwak iat aahl.
le:ee ba deyai, fian ole:eema aan fuun le:ee otetabe,
meer treekaa me pa jeeb ba wwar.
zum pa diapo ba gunra ba wwar,
fuun ae sinabin yma.
pal uveen ta teemosan, pa erin ba uveen op,
wwak aahl ba grawwi, ba ama aww,
inee wwak baahl jebee ba jwia.
aahl gator utele:niali- wwak iat aahl.
le:ee ba deyai, fian ole:eema aan fuun le:ee otetabe,
meer treekaa me pa jeeb ba wwar.
Friday, February 21, 2014
ON Namah Shivaya -- OM prii-kaev-hel-skee-ara
Came across this. Was listening to the Gayatri mantra and this happened to be in the video list with it.
I really like these kinds of chants! I can't capture the meaning entirely, but I can get different aspects of it in different repetitions.
This one is called "Aum Namah Shivaya", and I didn't attempt to get the entire chant. I just got the first part (and even that incompletely).
Order of Texts: Sanskrit -- Sandic -- Smooth English of Sandic
OM Namaḥ Śivāya
bare bare bhole
Namaḥ Śivāya
OM Namaḥ Śivāya
bare bare bhole
Namaḥ Śivāya
Online recording software >>
OM prii-kaev-hel-skee-ar(a)
otemii a otemii
bee-enuub ba ivi
OM feer-prii-jwr-sa-le:en(a)
otemii a otemii
bee-enuub ba ivi
OM earth-water-fire-air-existence
may I say may I say
the name of the ALL
OM mercy-world-god-knowledge-soul
may I say may I say
the name of the ALL
I really like these kinds of chants! I can't capture the meaning entirely, but I can get different aspects of it in different repetitions.
This one is called "Aum Namah Shivaya", and I didn't attempt to get the entire chant. I just got the first part (and even that incompletely).
Order of Texts: Sanskrit -- Sandic -- Smooth English of Sandic
OM Namaḥ Śivāya
bare bare bhole
Namaḥ Śivāya
OM Namaḥ Śivāya
bare bare bhole
Namaḥ Śivāya
Online recording software >>
OM prii-kaev-hel-skee-ar(a)
otemii a otemii
bee-enuub ba ivi
OM feer-prii-jwr-sa-le:en(a)
otemii a otemii
bee-enuub ba ivi
OM earth-water-fire-air-existence
may I say may I say
the name of the ALL
OM mercy-world-god-knowledge-soul
may I say may I say
the name of the ALL
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Ba iibuu biab bale:nial
I was on the porch wondering why I couldn't see the moon when this song happened. Thanks to furrykef for helping me figure out what the melody was from!
Apparently this is a weird version of "Frere Jacques", even though the song has nothing to do with it. :)
Order of texts: Original Sandic -- English
ba iibuu biab bale:nial
ba iibuu biab bale:nial
tead baahl?
tead baahl?
pal gol le:yusan pa le:yar bale:nial
pal gol le:yusan pa le:yar bale:nial
biab bale:nial
biab bale:nial
The moon is hiding itself!
Oh, where is it?
Where is it?
It is hiding behind the clouds
It is hiding behind the clouds
It's hiding!
It's hiding!
Apparently this is a weird version of "Frere Jacques", even though the song has nothing to do with it. :)
ba iibuu biab bale:nial
ba iibuu biab bale:nial
tead baahl?
tead baahl?
pal gol le:yusan pa le:yar bale:nial
pal gol le:yusan pa le:yar bale:nial
biab bale:nial
biab bale:nial
The moon is hiding itself!
Oh, where is it?
Where is it?
It is hiding behind the clouds
It is hiding behind the clouds
It's hiding!
It's hiding!
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Ta uxmejain tjere ba jteni
Someone shared something on Facebook and it caught my eye. Once again I do random translations of stuff, bahaha.
It apparently originated here.
Order of Texts : English -- Sandic -- Smooth English of Sandic
Vows of the Priestess
I choose to walk my path fearlessly
To live with my Heart wide open
To be Grateful for my experiences
Which led me straight into the arms of the Goddess
And taught me compassion for all things
To forgive and forgive and forgive again
While maintaining the boundaries of my own Sacredness
Not resisting life,
but allowing it to be
To accept and embrace it
And transmute my fear and suffering into Joy
And just by Being,
give others permission to do the same.
To know that everyone is a mirror
Reflecting the light of the Goddess
All with Truth at the core of their being
All unique, all beautiful, all different aspects of Her.
Source: Ariadnes Temple
Uxmejain tjere ba jteni
Kaxmejai yahl aan treekaa fiasab me klee, temab kahamira
Aan jjew jteni,
Aan kaja skra ta okan ivin,
Skra jeeguu ta iab pa kreb ba jwia iab hiakt oxtjeer,
oahl ta fian frn wiikias faee ivi
sanab kaxorain.
Aan feer wiii feer ejj wii feer iat ejj ra,
a meer feer fele: ba lunub ba deya me yfadis
ian ba jjew yneot diijj, a ian oka ba yfeer,
biab ytade, wii pa me biab ykre,
temab wii lasveb me otiab tu masra ytale:l
wii jeedi katarai
ian ta jutin ymee-e aan ma jeed baahl ufeeri.
Aan sa aan ivi kenee kaahl,
ba yeeab ba jwia batonaha,
aan pal esle:am op ivin baahl ba Aunia keri,
aan oahl treenuinra masa ivin, wenain ivin, ialthan wii mee-en jutin ba Ivi.
Masa: Tamla ba Areatnee
that of the Awakened which had to be committed to
I have chosen to walk on my path lacking fear,
to live open(ly),
to thank for every occurrence,
for every occurrence, as they have led me perfectly into the arms of the Lady,
and they are that which has taught me of
compassion for all things.
To forgive and forgive again and forgive yet again,
though while forgiving I protect that bubble of my worthiness/honor/value
I do not fight against life, but I forgive/allow its passing,
I accept it, and carry it within me,
i am changing fear and regret in me till they are joy
and thus being
I show to the others that to do this is allowed.
To know that every one is a mirror,
which reflects the light of the Lady,
that at the center of every one there is the lasting Truth,
that they each are unique from the foundations, every one is beautiful, pieces and revelations of the All.
source: temple of ariadne.
It apparently originated here.
Vows of the Priestess
I choose to walk my path fearlessly
To live with my Heart wide open
To be Grateful for my experiences
Which led me straight into the arms of the Goddess
And taught me compassion for all things
To forgive and forgive and forgive again
While maintaining the boundaries of my own Sacredness
Not resisting life,
but allowing it to be
To accept and embrace it
And transmute my fear and suffering into Joy
And just by Being,
give others permission to do the same.
To know that everyone is a mirror
Reflecting the light of the Goddess
All with Truth at the core of their being
All unique, all beautiful, all different aspects of Her.
Source: Ariadnes Temple
Uxmejain tjere ba jteni
Kaxmejai yahl aan treekaa fiasab me klee, temab kahamira
Aan jjew jteni,
Aan kaja skra ta okan ivin,
Skra jeeguu ta iab pa kreb ba jwia iab hiakt oxtjeer,
oahl ta fian frn wiikias faee ivi
sanab kaxorain.
Aan feer wiii feer ejj wii feer iat ejj ra,
a meer feer fele: ba lunub ba deya me yfadis
ian ba jjew yneot diijj, a ian oka ba yfeer,
biab ytade, wii pa me biab ykre,
temab wii lasveb me otiab tu masra ytale:l
wii jeedi katarai
ian ta jutin ymee-e aan ma jeed baahl ufeeri.
Aan sa aan ivi kenee kaahl,
ba yeeab ba jwia batonaha,
aan pal esle:am op ivin baahl ba Aunia keri,
aan oahl treenuinra masa ivin, wenain ivin, ialthan wii mee-en jutin ba Ivi.
Masa: Tamla ba Areatnee
that of the Awakened which had to be committed to
I have chosen to walk on my path lacking fear,
to live open(ly),
to thank for every occurrence,
for every occurrence, as they have led me perfectly into the arms of the Lady,
and they are that which has taught me of
compassion for all things.
To forgive and forgive again and forgive yet again,
though while forgiving I protect that bubble of my worthiness/honor/value
I do not fight against life, but I forgive/allow its passing,
I accept it, and carry it within me,
i am changing fear and regret in me till they are joy
and thus being
I show to the others that to do this is allowed.
To know that every one is a mirror,
which reflects the light of the Lady,
that at the center of every one there is the lasting Truth,
that they each are unique from the foundations, every one is beautiful, pieces and revelations of the All.
source: temple of ariadne.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Mary had a little lamb -- Brenab ba miare axle:leet keei
Starting singing this for no apparent reason.
Order of texts: Original English -- Sandic
Mary had a little lamb
little lamb
little lamb
Mary had a little lamb
its fleece was white as snow
And everywhere that Mary went
Mary went
Mary went
And everywhere that Mary went
the lamb was sure to go.
brenab ba miare axle:leet keei
axle:leet keei
axle:leet keei
brenab ba miare axle:leet keei
huungar ba maui baxahlso wwee jeejee
wii mer feed ae ian meadnia
ian meadnia
ian meadnia
wii mer feed ae ian meadnia
ba bren atiab baxkfee
Order of texts: Original English -- Sandic
Mary had a little lamb
little lamb
little lamb
Mary had a little lamb
its fleece was white as snow
And everywhere that Mary went
Mary went
Mary went
And everywhere that Mary went
the lamb was sure to go.
brenab ba miare axle:leet keei
axle:leet keei
axle:leet keei
brenab ba miare axle:leet keei
huungar ba maui baxahlso wwee jeejee
wii mer feed ae ian meadnia
ian meadnia
ian meadnia
wii mer feed ae ian meadnia
ba bren atiab baxkfee
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Gayatri Mantra in Sandic -- Ba kant saveturr
Looking up chants, came across this one. It calmed me down pretty well.
I used a translation off of Wikipedia (or rather, a couple different translations) to create the Sandic here.
I noticed the Wikipedia article claims each one of these lines has 8 syllables. That's not the case for the video I learned it from. Given I learned to chant it from the video, I followed that. I'm sure no one around here is going to be offended and correct me, after all, when I chant in Sandic.
The first line has five syllables, the second nine, third nine, fourth 8th, fifth 1. Like I said, I'm not sure what's up with that, but okay. Works fine for me. ;)
Order of texts: Original Sanskrit -- Sandic -- English
Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
Oṃ tát savitúr váreṇ(i)yaṃ
bhárgo devásya dhīmahi
dhíyo yó naḥ pracodáyāt
Om priia skee wii le:yar
Om frn saveturr ba aenab
auzeri kabrele: otawwtade
tsaman aww wwiab okale:uma
Om, earth, air and sky
Om, the shining/revealing/pleasant light of Savitur
which is good, he who shines, may we take it in
By our prayers may he raise us up
I used a translation off of Wikipedia (or rather, a couple different translations) to create the Sandic here.
I noticed the Wikipedia article claims each one of these lines has 8 syllables. That's not the case for the video I learned it from. Given I learned to chant it from the video, I followed that. I'm sure no one around here is going to be offended and correct me, after all, when I chant in Sandic.
The first line has five syllables, the second nine, third nine, fourth 8th, fifth 1. Like I said, I'm not sure what's up with that, but okay. Works fine for me. ;)
Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
Oṃ tát savitúr váreṇ(i)yaṃ
bhárgo devásya dhīmahi
dhíyo yó naḥ pracodáyāt
Om priia skee wii le:yar
Om frn saveturr ba aenab
auzeri kabrele: otawwtade
tsaman aww wwiab okale:uma
Om, earth, air and sky
Om, the shining/revealing/pleasant light of Savitur
which is good, he who shines, may we take it in
By our prayers may he raise us up
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Oteveel -- Let it Go
There was a challenge posted on Facebook to translate this song, and I'd been trying actively to NOT for a while. It was stuck in my head pretty strongly, but I was so determined, haha.
Oh well, here it is. :D
I've got to stop creating new content for a while in order to focus on what already exists, so that I can get it ready for the Antho in April. Sandic is ten years old this year!!
This song HAS been sung, but it comes out so very badly that I can't even. :p Sorry guys.
Order of texts: English -- Sandic -- English of Sandic
"Let It Go"
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation,
And it looks like I’m the Queen.
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn’t keep it in, heaven knows I tried
Don’t let them in, don’t let them see
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them know
Well, now they know
Let it go, let it go
Can’t hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door
I don’t care
What they’re going to say
Let the storm rage on,
The cold never bothered me anyway
It’s funny how some distance
Makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me
Can’t get to me at all
It’s time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me
I’m free
Let it go, let it go
I am one with the wind and sky
Let it go, let it go
You’ll never see me cry
Here I stand
And here I'll stay
Let the storm rage on
My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiralling in
frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes
like an icy blast
I’m never going back,
The past is in the past
Let it go, let it go
When I'll rise like the break of dawn
Let it go, let it go
That perfect girl is gone
Here I stand
In the light of day
Let the storm rage on,
The cold never bothered me anyway
o jjujja meer nosr jeejee mau babrele:
lee iiran oahl ule:nialin
meto ta kanajjuin,
zum mee-e yahl ba ere.
ba le:yus bataluso wwee ba ake pa me
paelab exham aan biab kre, a jjiave ba pet
otian opeeneot jten, otoneot sa,
auzoi opeemee-e gre kala,
opeele:nial, otoneot sa
a inee aan osa
fele: yveel, nau yveel,
siad daniab frn ba yneot kre,
fele: yveel, nau yveel,
umantiale: baahl ba pe!
ba mii op frn me,
ake obamee-e,
iab ba feel baneot keesa!
masin aan paela ba fov
ta rerdabin bama keein,
ta teman eren me oxahl
siad daniab oneot tjeer!
Otesa frn krian paela me
biab ytefeed toa, griawabin ytepeet
auzob, lenab, pianabin yham
le:ee niasa!
fele: yveel, nau yveel,
ialth yahl ba le:yus wii le:yar!
fele: yveel, nau yveel,
jilab pal me peeteneot raug.
Zum fele: yahl
wii yteahl ker
ake obatoka
beeno me bapatas dru le:yus, pa ba grawwib!
le:ena me baruumso firaktilan hasin pal ivi
wiis me pal ivi
bateahlnia umai has
ejj yneot feedale:
uxsorei bateahl!
fele: yveel, nau yveel
sahei ytebrele: mlii
fele: yveel, nau yveel
fovi aahl ba hiaktale:i
zum ytovo
pa brele: ba mee-e
iab ba feel gator bakeesa
“May I let it go”
On the mountain at night, the snow is glowing white
all the footprints are hidden
a kingdom of those in solitude,
apparently I am its ruler.
The wind howls like the storm inside of me
I lacked the strength to carry it (inside) despite the attempt
Don’t open yourself to them, don’t let them know
you must appear good forever
hide yourself, don’t let them know
but look, they know
I let it go, I let it go now
I’m not keeping anything more of it (inside)
I let it go, I let it go now
the attempt has been cut off! (“slammed shut”)
completely unimportant (is)
their opinion of me
let the storm show itself,
the cold does not bother me!
curious, the strength of distance
which makes difficulty small
the fears which were my rulers
rule nothing anymore!
I will know the fullness of my power,
I will supersede it, break the boundaries
There is no right or wrong or rules for me
O freedom!
I let it go, now I let it go,
I’m part of the wind and sky
I let it go, now I let it go
you will not see me sad.
Here I am
and I will remain
let the storm go on
My power flurries through the air into the ground
my soul is turning in frozen fractals all around
at my desire everywhere
everything can be turned to ice
I will not go back
it’s going to be forgotten!
I let it go, now I let it go
I will shine like the sun
I let it go, now I let it go
that sickly-perfect one is gone
I stand here
in the light of dawn*
let the storm GO OOOOOOON
the cold never bothers me.
Oh well, here it is. :D
I've got to stop creating new content for a while in order to focus on what already exists, so that I can get it ready for the Antho in April. Sandic is ten years old this year!!
This song HAS been sung, but it comes out so very badly that I can't even. :p Sorry guys.
"Let It Go"
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation,
And it looks like I’m the Queen.
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn’t keep it in, heaven knows I tried
Don’t let them in, don’t let them see
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them know
Well, now they know
Let it go, let it go
Can’t hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door
I don’t care
What they’re going to say
Let the storm rage on,
The cold never bothered me anyway
It’s funny how some distance
Makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me
Can’t get to me at all
It’s time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me
I’m free
Let it go, let it go
I am one with the wind and sky
Let it go, let it go
You’ll never see me cry
Here I stand
And here I'll stay
Let the storm rage on
My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiralling in
frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes
like an icy blast
I’m never going back,
The past is in the past
Let it go, let it go
When I'll rise like the break of dawn
Let it go, let it go
That perfect girl is gone
Here I stand
In the light of day
Let the storm rage on,
The cold never bothered me anyway
o jjujja meer nosr jeejee mau babrele:
lee iiran oahl ule:nialin
meto ta kanajjuin,
zum mee-e yahl ba ere.
ba le:yus bataluso wwee ba ake pa me
paelab exham aan biab kre, a jjiave ba pet
otian opeeneot jten, otoneot sa,
auzoi opeemee-e gre kala,
opeele:nial, otoneot sa
a inee aan osa
fele: yveel, nau yveel,
siad daniab frn ba yneot kre,
fele: yveel, nau yveel,
umantiale: baahl ba pe!
ba mii op frn me,
ake obamee-e,
iab ba feel baneot keesa!
masin aan paela ba fov
ta rerdabin bama keein,
ta teman eren me oxahl
siad daniab oneot tjeer!
Otesa frn krian paela me
biab ytefeed toa, griawabin ytepeet
auzob, lenab, pianabin yham
le:ee niasa!
fele: yveel, nau yveel,
ialth yahl ba le:yus wii le:yar!
fele: yveel, nau yveel,
jilab pal me peeteneot raug.
Zum fele: yahl
wii yteahl ker
ake obatoka
beeno me bapatas dru le:yus, pa ba grawwib!
le:ena me baruumso firaktilan hasin pal ivi
wiis me pal ivi
bateahlnia umai has
ejj yneot feedale:
uxsorei bateahl!
fele: yveel, nau yveel
sahei ytebrele: mlii
fele: yveel, nau yveel
fovi aahl ba hiaktale:i
zum ytovo
pa brele: ba mee-e
iab ba feel gator bakeesa
“May I let it go”
On the mountain at night, the snow is glowing white
all the footprints are hidden
a kingdom of those in solitude,
apparently I am its ruler.
The wind howls like the storm inside of me
I lacked the strength to carry it (inside) despite the attempt
Don’t open yourself to them, don’t let them know
you must appear good forever
hide yourself, don’t let them know
but look, they know
I let it go, I let it go now
I’m not keeping anything more of it (inside)
I let it go, I let it go now
the attempt has been cut off! (“slammed shut”)
completely unimportant (is)
their opinion of me
let the storm show itself,
the cold does not bother me!
curious, the strength of distance
which makes difficulty small
the fears which were my rulers
rule nothing anymore!
I will know the fullness of my power,
I will supersede it, break the boundaries
There is no right or wrong or rules for me
O freedom!
I let it go, now I let it go,
I’m part of the wind and sky
I let it go, now I let it go
you will not see me sad.
Here I am
and I will remain
let the storm go on
My power flurries through the air into the ground
my soul is turning in frozen fractals all around
at my desire everywhere
everything can be turned to ice
I will not go back
it’s going to be forgotten!
I let it go, now I let it go
I will shine like the sun
I let it go, now I let it go
that sickly-perfect one is gone
I stand here
in the light of dawn*
let the storm GO OOOOOOON
the cold never bothers me.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Le:ee Jwr -- O God
I wrote a prayer.
Order of Texts: Sandic -- Smooth English of Sandic
Order of Texts: Sandic -- Smooth English of Sandic
le:ee jwr,
frn le:ee awwahl ialthan nu ba
erin le:ee gator utesai baahl,
frn wena wii deelen le:ee awwsa wii
auzob awwma le:ee wii lenab
ialthan also jwr awwahl,
ba ivi kafasi.
O God,
with regards to you we are only pieces of
the vastness of you which will never be understood and known,
of your beauty and your ugliness we know
and will know,
we do your good and your bad
pieces are we of us-God,
of the All which flows.
Keei Dalkain -- Son of Man
Another song. I did this one while waiting for a guy to come help me with something. He never showed up, but the song remains!
I didn't sing this one. Here's the original English version.
Maybe someday I'll take the time and collect all the songs in Sandic and sing them and put them in a collection, or something. Mn.
Order of texts: Original English -- Sandic -- Smooth English of Sandic
"Son Of Man"
Oh, the power to be strong
And the wisdom to be wise
All these things will
come to you in time
On this journey that you're making
There'll be answers that you'll seek
And it's you who'll climb the mountain
It's you who'll reach the peak
Son of Man, look to the sky
Lift your spirit, set it free
Some day you'll walk tall with pride
Son of Man, a man in time you'll be
Though there's no one there to guide you
No one to take your hand
But with faith and understanding
You will journey from boy to man
In learning you will teach
And in teaching you will learn
You'll find your place beside the
ones you love
Oh, and all the things you dreamed of
The visions that you saw
Well, the time is drawing near now
It's yours to claim in all
Son of Man,
A man for all to see.
“keei dalkain”
Beeno aan ahl paelai,
sa aan ma frnsa,
pian otiab otemee-e
gre ba ma
klee ba fias biab peefeed
deelewabin peetesu
ian toa ta jjujjan peetefeed,
ian toara peetemisia !
le:ee keei dalkain, opeebra
obale:anee frn pee ba le:ena
arapi peeteahl gre ba ma
le:ee gezo ba ma pian batora paelab
jjiave aan keemania piab kaneot tjeer
aan piab kaneot kre
a paelai wii katefei
bateahl paela ba lev !
peetetora meer ade san ,
peetetade meer ora san ,
meadab peetesu amal pal ba usei!
ta paron pian oxmee-e
ta le:ia usain
amal omii aan opeema le
opeesod pat ivi !
le:ee keei,
ba keei erini bamee-e
"The adults' little one"
Power to be strong,
knowledge to act wisely,
they will show themselves to you
when this is done
along this path you are travelling along
you will find secrets
you will go to the top of the mountains
you will climb very high up!
O little one of the adults, listen here
may your soul fly
you will be honorable when this is done
O child, the doing is what gives you strength
Though no one leads you,
and no one carries you along,
Still, (if you act/are) strong and understanding
the weakness will become strength!
You will teach as you learn,
you will learn as you teach,
you will find your place with what you love!
the dreams that showed themselves to you
those you knew before
they are whispering to you in divine inspiration that you should act quickly
quickly, seize everything (you have dreamed)!
O little one,
what is little shows itself to be big / what is unimportant shows itself to be important
I didn't sing this one. Here's the original English version.
Maybe someday I'll take the time and collect all the songs in Sandic and sing them and put them in a collection, or something. Mn.
"Son Of Man"
Oh, the power to be strong
And the wisdom to be wise
All these things will
come to you in time
On this journey that you're making
There'll be answers that you'll seek
And it's you who'll climb the mountain
It's you who'll reach the peak
Son of Man, look to the sky
Lift your spirit, set it free
Some day you'll walk tall with pride
Son of Man, a man in time you'll be
Though there's no one there to guide you
No one to take your hand
But with faith and understanding
You will journey from boy to man
In learning you will teach
And in teaching you will learn
You'll find your place beside the
ones you love
Oh, and all the things you dreamed of
The visions that you saw
Well, the time is drawing near now
It's yours to claim in all
Son of Man,
A man for all to see.
“keei dalkain”
Beeno aan ahl paelai,
sa aan ma frnsa,
pian otiab otemee-e
gre ba ma
klee ba fias biab peefeed
deelewabin peetesu
ian toa ta jjujjan peetefeed,
ian toara peetemisia !
le:ee keei dalkain, opeebra
obale:anee frn pee ba le:ena
arapi peeteahl gre ba ma
le:ee gezo ba ma pian batora paelab
jjiave aan keemania piab kaneot tjeer
aan piab kaneot kre
a paelai wii katefei
bateahl paela ba lev !
peetetora meer ade san ,
peetetade meer ora san ,
meadab peetesu amal pal ba usei!
ta paron pian oxmee-e
ta le:ia usain
amal omii aan opeema le
opeesod pat ivi !
le:ee keei,
ba keei erini bamee-e
"The adults' little one"
Power to be strong,
knowledge to act wisely,
they will show themselves to you
when this is done
along this path you are travelling along
you will find secrets
you will go to the top of the mountains
you will climb very high up!
O little one of the adults, listen here
may your soul fly
you will be honorable when this is done
O child, the doing is what gives you strength
Though no one leads you,
and no one carries you along,
Still, (if you act/are) strong and understanding
the weakness will become strength!
You will teach as you learn,
you will learn as you teach,
you will find your place with what you love!
the dreams that showed themselves to you
those you knew before
they are whispering to you in divine inspiration that you should act quickly
quickly, seize everything (you have dreamed)!
O little one,
what is little shows itself to be big / what is unimportant shows itself to be important
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Makiamjale: pee -- The Noose
New song. APC, "The Noose"
Yes, is singable. Yes, I sang it. Not sharing just yet. Need to make a good version.
Order of texts: Original English -- Sandic -- English of Sandic
"The Noose"
So glad to see you well
Overcome them, completely silent
Now with heaven's help
You cast your demons out
And not to pull your halo down
Around your neck and tug you off your cloud
But I'm more than just a little curious
How you're planning to go about
Making your amends to the dead
To the dead
Recall the deeds as if
They're all someone else's
Atrocious stories
Now you stand reborn before us all
So glad to see you well
And not to pull your halo down
Around your neck and tug you to the ground
But I'm more than just a little curious
How you're planning to go about
Making your amends to the dead
To the dead
With your halo slipping down
Your halo slipping
Your halo slipping down
Your halo slipping down
Your halo slipping down [repeated]
Your halo slipping down to choke you now
"Makiamjale: pee"
uxheeloi peemee-e
otiab krian peexmiarsee , siad lena baneot jae
iad ba aan ba
lenab pee peexveel
heelob pee yneot vurale:
o adleb pee wii
piab yneot vur le:yus dee
a fele: ywiisra aan sa frn wwee ian ta kaxmale:lin
peetemii anuu
ian kaxmale:lin
frn ba lenaiale: peesin
wwee frn juti oahl
ta dan uxmain
pal tau aww peetovo ejj uxmesi
hiaktiso peeme-e
heelob pee yneot vurale:
o adleb pee, gre ba madei piab
a fele: ywiisra aan sa frn wwee
ian ta kaxmale:lin peetemii anuu
ian kaxmale:lin
ba heelo pee bayumale:
meer heelo pee bayum…
heelo pee bayumale:
heelo pee bayum… nau
nau heelo pee bayumale:
wii piab bamee-e
You seem healed up
You defeated them entirely, bad does not speak anymore
with the help of heaven
you have released your sin
I am not yanking at your halo
onto your neck and
pulling you from the cloud
But I really want to know how to the dead
You will apologize
to the dead
you think of the atrocity
like it is someone else’s
past actions
you stand before us, reborn
you look like you’re perfect
I’m not yanking at your halo
pulling it onto your neck and pulling you into reality
but I really want to know how
you will say sorry to the dead
to the dead
your halo is slippin’ down
your halo is falling…
your halo is slippin’ down
your halo is falling.. now
now your halo is slipping
and it shows (what) you (are)
Yes, is singable. Yes, I sang it. Not sharing just yet. Need to make a good version.
"The Noose"
So glad to see you well
Overcome them, completely silent
Now with heaven's help
You cast your demons out
And not to pull your halo down
Around your neck and tug you off your cloud
But I'm more than just a little curious
How you're planning to go about
Making your amends to the dead
To the dead
Recall the deeds as if
They're all someone else's
Atrocious stories
Now you stand reborn before us all
So glad to see you well
And not to pull your halo down
Around your neck and tug you to the ground
But I'm more than just a little curious
How you're planning to go about
Making your amends to the dead
To the dead
With your halo slipping down
Your halo slipping
Your halo slipping down
Your halo slipping down
Your halo slipping down [repeated]
Your halo slipping down to choke you now
"Makiamjale: pee"
uxheeloi peemee-e
otiab krian peexmiarsee , siad lena baneot jae
iad ba aan ba
lenab pee peexveel
heelob pee yneot vurale:
o adleb pee wii
piab yneot vur le:yus dee
a fele: ywiisra aan sa frn wwee ian ta kaxmale:lin
peetemii anuu
ian kaxmale:lin
frn ba lenaiale: peesin
wwee frn juti oahl
ta dan uxmain
pal tau aww peetovo ejj uxmesi
hiaktiso peeme-e
heelob pee yneot vurale:
o adleb pee, gre ba madei piab
a fele: ywiisra aan sa frn wwee
ian ta kaxmale:lin peetemii anuu
ian kaxmale:lin
ba heelo pee bayumale:
meer heelo pee bayum…
heelo pee bayumale:
heelo pee bayum… nau
nau heelo pee bayumale:
wii piab bamee-e
You seem healed up
You defeated them entirely, bad does not speak anymore
with the help of heaven
you have released your sin
I am not yanking at your halo
onto your neck and
pulling you from the cloud
But I really want to know how to the dead
You will apologize
to the dead
you think of the atrocity
like it is someone else’s
past actions
you stand before us, reborn
you look like you’re perfect
I’m not yanking at your halo
pulling it onto your neck and pulling you into reality
but I really want to know how
you will say sorry to the dead
to the dead
your halo is slippin’ down
your halo is falling…
your halo is slippin’ down
your halo is falling.. now
now your halo is slipping
and it shows (what) you (are)
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Se yahl fele: -- I am love
I know, I know. Two in a row, shame.
I really do try not to do two. But I know if I don't do this, I'll forget that this was translated and I'll lose the sound file that goes with.
Order of texts: Original English(?) -- Sandic -- Smooth English of Sandic
Love is above me,
Love is below me,
Love is before me,
Love is behind!
Love is all around me
Love am I
Click above to listen to the song.
Se pal toaa me,
se pal uveen me,
se pal tau me,
se pal ba gol!
se pal ba ivi
se yahl fele:
Love above me,
Love below me,
Love before me,
Love at the back.
Love everywhere,
I am love.
I really do try not to do two. But I know if I don't do this, I'll forget that this was translated and I'll lose the sound file that goes with.
Love is above me,
Love is below me,
Love is before me,
Love is behind!
Love is all around me
Love am I
Click above to listen to the song.
Se pal toaa me,
se pal uveen me,
se pal tau me,
se pal ba gol!
se pal ba ivi
se yahl fele:
Love above me,
Love below me,
Love before me,
Love at the back.
Love everywhere,
I am love.
Uuldin otoka -- Miracles Happen (Prince of Egypt)
My sister and I loved this movie when we were little kids. I remember us trying to learn the Hebrew parts and sing along.
We weren't Christian, but the imagery was beautiful and the songs were so catchy that we sang them anyway.
Funny how much songs stick with you, isn't it? I'm 23 now and I still find myself humming this off and on. I haven't seen this movie since I was 13 or 14.
I was watching some Disney songs in Latin the other day and came across this one, and was shocked I hadn't yet translated it. Remedied now!
There is more to this song that I didn't sing. I put it at the bottom. Maybe I'll sing the full thing some other time!
Oh, here's the song.
Order of texts: Original English -- Sandic -- Smooth English of Sandic
Many nights we prayed
With no proof anyone could hear
In our hearts a hope for a song
We barely understood
Now we are not afraid
Although we know there's much to fear
We were moving mountains
Long before we knew we could
There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
It's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe somehow you will
You will when you believe
Click above to listen to the song.
Nosran awwxtsam eerain
fii aan wwiab dania babra awwneot sa
pa le:enan aww kant baxgre
biab nuale: awwxfe
inee awwneot tem
jjiave aan matemin omee-e
jjujjabin otiab awwxpeet
le:ia sa frn ba mee-aa
uuldin otoka
meer ba deeva
jjiave lev paro
baahl gator utetuinia
kia kasa frn tekin
meer ba deeva peetemeeaa
biab peetema deeva
We prayed for many nights
we do not know if anything heard us
in our souls, a song appeared
which we barely understood
behold, we are not afraid
even though frightful things appear
we broke (down) mountains
before knowing it was a possibility
miracles happen
during belief
despite the weakness of hope
it cannot be killed
who knows which (miracles)
will appear
during belief, you will be able to (know)
you'll do it with belief.
Rest of the song:
In this time of fear
when prayer's so often proved in vain
Hope seems like the summer birds
to have swiftly flown away
And now I'm standing here
with heart so full I can't explain
Seeking faith and speaking words
I never thought I'd say!
Meer jeeb ba temra
tsam mee-e daniab baneot ma
bamaso mee-e wwee lee thiian
ian fovra baxle:anee
a zum fele: ytovo
le:ena me skrania bamasra
heb kaxsui, miialabin ymii
amal oahl utorain!
During this great fear
prayer apparently does nothing
it does just like a flock of birds
and flies to far away
but here I stand
my soul is joyful for some reason
peace has been found, and I say words
which have been given by inspiration*!
*amal is a word used for divine inspiration and the visions one receives in a trance or during meditation.
We weren't Christian, but the imagery was beautiful and the songs were so catchy that we sang them anyway.
Funny how much songs stick with you, isn't it? I'm 23 now and I still find myself humming this off and on. I haven't seen this movie since I was 13 or 14.
I was watching some Disney songs in Latin the other day and came across this one, and was shocked I hadn't yet translated it. Remedied now!
There is more to this song that I didn't sing. I put it at the bottom. Maybe I'll sing the full thing some other time!
Oh, here's the song.
Many nights we prayed
With no proof anyone could hear
In our hearts a hope for a song
We barely understood
Now we are not afraid
Although we know there's much to fear
We were moving mountains
Long before we knew we could
There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
It's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe somehow you will
You will when you believe
Click above to listen to the song.
Nosran awwxtsam eerain
fii aan wwiab dania babra awwneot sa
pa le:enan aww kant baxgre
biab nuale: awwxfe
inee awwneot tem
jjiave aan matemin omee-e
jjujjabin otiab awwxpeet
le:ia sa frn ba mee-aa
uuldin otoka
meer ba deeva
jjiave lev paro
baahl gator utetuinia
kia kasa frn tekin
meer ba deeva peetemeeaa
biab peetema deeva
We prayed for many nights
we do not know if anything heard us
in our souls, a song appeared
which we barely understood
behold, we are not afraid
even though frightful things appear
we broke (down) mountains
before knowing it was a possibility
miracles happen
during belief
despite the weakness of hope
it cannot be killed
who knows which (miracles)
will appear
during belief, you will be able to (know)
you'll do it with belief.
Rest of the song:
In this time of fear
when prayer's so often proved in vain
Hope seems like the summer birds
to have swiftly flown away
And now I'm standing here
with heart so full I can't explain
Seeking faith and speaking words
I never thought I'd say!
Meer jeeb ba temra
tsam mee-e daniab baneot ma
bamaso mee-e wwee lee thiian
ian fovra baxle:anee
a zum fele: ytovo
le:ena me skrania bamasra
heb kaxsui, miialabin ymii
amal oahl utorain!
During this great fear
prayer apparently does nothing
it does just like a flock of birds
and flies to far away
but here I stand
my soul is joyful for some reason
peace has been found, and I say words
which have been given by inspiration*!
*amal is a word used for divine inspiration and the visions one receives in a trance or during meditation.
Monday, January 13, 2014
driale:zee isi diiana -- Full Moon Shining Bright
More chants! I like chants for shot day. They calm me down.
I think all my life I will like chants. They are so incredibly useful, for so many things.
It's this song.
Order of texts: Original English -- Sandic -- Smooth English of Sandic
Full moon shining bright,
Midnight on the water
Oh Aradia,
Diana's silver daughter!
Click here to listen to the song.
iibuu hamari,
esle:am o kaev bamee-e
le:ee areedea,
driale:zee isi diiana
Round (full) moon,
midnight shows on the water
O aradia,
Diana's silver daughter!
I think all my life I will like chants. They are so incredibly useful, for so many things.
It's this song.
Order of texts: Original English -- Sandic -- Smooth English of Sandic
Full moon shining bright,
Midnight on the water
Oh Aradia,
Diana's silver daughter!
Click here to listen to the song.
iibuu hamari,
esle:am o kaev bamee-e
le:ee areedea,
driale:zee isi diiana
Round (full) moon,
midnight shows on the water
O aradia,
Diana's silver daughter!
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
A couple of chants.
I was cleaning the house today, and I tend to listen to some upbeat music while doing so. Turns out today is a chant-listening kind of day, so I did.
One of these is an older song- older as in I knew it as a small child and would sing it while playing. The other one is newer.
Also, yes. "In the moonlight" is actually sung that way. I'm not spontaneously being possessed, haha.
Order of Texts: Orig. English -- Sandic -- Smooth English of Sandic
O Spirit
O spirit! Air Spirit!
Golden wings, come dance with me!
O spirit! Fire Spirit!
Crimson passion burn in me!
O spirit! Water spirit!
Fears and ocean blend in me!
O spirit! Earth Spirit!
Stone and crystal steady me!
Le:ee Le:ena
Click above to listen to the song.
le:ee le:ena, le:ena ba skee,
ber me ototreej le:agan albain
le:ee le:ena, le:ena ba hel
pa me paela piiri obatelre
le:ee le:ena, le:ena ba kaev
pa me oteahl utiaktain tem wii reej
le:ee le:ena, le:ena grawwi
iab graocoi otoma jada wii pela!
O spirit, Spirit of the air,
May golden wings dance with me,
May a fire-red strength burn in me
O spirit, spirit of water,
Fear and the ocean are bound together in me
O spirit, Spirit of earth,
May stone and crystal make me steady like the earth!
In the Moonlight
In the Moonlight
Listen to the Lord and Lady
call their children
Pa brele: ba mlii
Click above to listen to the song.
pa brele: ba mlii
opeebra male:iib ta jwran
ian ta gezon op
In the shining of the Moon,
Hear the call of the Gods
to their children
One of these is an older song- older as in I knew it as a small child and would sing it while playing. The other one is newer.
Also, yes. "In the moonlight" is actually sung that way. I'm not spontaneously being possessed, haha.
O Spirit
O spirit! Air Spirit!
Golden wings, come dance with me!
O spirit! Fire Spirit!
Crimson passion burn in me!
O spirit! Water spirit!
Fears and ocean blend in me!
O spirit! Earth Spirit!
Stone and crystal steady me!
Le:ee Le:ena
Click above to listen to the song.
le:ee le:ena, le:ena ba skee,
ber me ototreej le:agan albain
le:ee le:ena, le:ena ba hel
pa me paela piiri obatelre
le:ee le:ena, le:ena ba kaev
pa me oteahl utiaktain tem wii reej
le:ee le:ena, le:ena grawwi
iab graocoi otoma jada wii pela!
O spirit, Spirit of the air,
May golden wings dance with me,
May a fire-red strength burn in me
O spirit, spirit of water,
Fear and the ocean are bound together in me
O spirit, Spirit of earth,
May stone and crystal make me steady like the earth!
In the Moonlight
In the Moonlight
Listen to the Lord and Lady
call their children
Pa brele: ba mlii
Click above to listen to the song.
pa brele: ba mlii
opeebra male:iib ta jwran
ian ta gezon op
In the shining of the Moon,
Hear the call of the Gods
to their children
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