I like little stories like these. Short, sweet, simple- and nondenominational! I accidentally came across this on the internet today and after slightly modifying (the ending was crying for alteration, I thought, and since it's an anonymous work of internet nonpoetry I figured why not...) this is what I came up with.
A few new words here!
Three (or four) are entirely new-
"gunga", thunder-
"bajjane", butterfly
(ba + jjane; jjane = "to fold")
"sisi", whisper
and one is a new use for a word which I already had-
"úldi", miracle (formerly just magic or sorcery).
Bal lëétoka?
Baxsisi gezonia kéi:
“Lëé jwr, fian olëéjae”
Thîania baxkant
A ba gezo mab ba baxneot bra.
Skra jéd maxmalëî ba gezo,
“Lëé jwia, fian olëéjaera!”
Gunga pa ba lëyar baxmalëî.
A ba gezo mab ba baxneot bra.
Meadab baxraug ba gezo, wî iné baxmî:
“Lëé jwr, fian olëéfialër ân lëiab yraug.”
Kiml biab baxmée kabrelëi
A biab baxneot raug ba gezo.
Ba gezo baxmalëî,
“Lëé jwr, úldib fian olëémée!”
Jjew ó imprîâ baxmée
A frn ba baxneot sa ba gezo.
Skra jéd ba gezo baxmalëî tufâk-
“Fian olëégriaw, lëé jwr, ân otesa ân lëétoka!”
Iné jwr ba gezian baxgriaw
wî ba gezob baxrec.
A ba gezo ba bajjenian baxrec ân ébian obalëané.
Ba gezo neolëai baxmî:
"Balnia ân lëéneot ara, lëé Jwr."
Wî neokasai ébian baxtrékâ
Wî neokasai ébian baxtrékâ
A ba imprîâ iat baxfac.
The little child whispered,
"God, speak to me"
And a meadowlark sang.
But the child did not hear.
So the child yelled,
"Goddess, speak to me!"
And the thunder rolled across the sky
But the child did not listen.
The child looked around and said,
"God, let me see you."
And a star shone brightly
But the child did not notice.
And the child shouted,
"Goddess, show me a miracle!"
And a life was born
But the child did not know.
So the child cried out in despair,
"Touch me God, and let me know you are there!"
Whereupon the God reached down
And touched the child.
But the child brushed the butterfly away.
So the child declared sadly,
"It must be that you do not exist, God."
And walked away unknowingly
While all around the world kept turning.
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