Thursday, May 31, 2012

Found a "ba"! --- Accidental Sandic

I was on youtube watching something (A cookie to you if you can guess what) and I happened to see this image on the side-bar.  I did a double-take for sure.  Look at it closely.

See the squiggle the green arrow is pointing to?  That's a ba!

It's either a "ba" or "bha", depending, I guess, on how you interpret this part.

To me, that looks like a "bha".

The image of the guy is from a movie called "Valhalla Rising".  I don't think I'd heard of it until I saw the ba image.  But seriously, how neat it is that someone accidentally made one, and that it made it onto a movie?  And how neat is it that it's written onto flesh like Bas are supposed to be?  I think I'll have to watch this movie (even though it apparently got horrible ratings). :)

Here's the video I saw on the sidebar with the ba in it.

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