Saturday, May 26, 2012

A peek at Sandic mechanics.

I'm not much of a "let's document professionally all the grammatical aspects of my conlang, it's so much fun" kind of person.  I keep enough notes to remind me what goes where and how, and I've had Sandic long enough now that it comes to me via memory and habit.  For this reason, texts that I've picked apart and labelled for grammatical structure and interaction are pretty uncommon, and almost always done for other people.  I simply haven't got the patience for it!

For some reason, though, I feel like... labelling things right now.  I'm a person who operates on whims, and this is certainly one.  Off we go!  I'll do the first paragraph of the story I posted yesterday.

Fair warnings should be given, of course.  I'm not a professional linguist, and I gloss so rarely that it probably snows here in Georgia more often.  Undoubtedly I have committed some awful faux-pas below.  :D Read your own peril.

1. Gre srîtnia, ba boâ baxlëlét jeléb frn ba baxmac ra ân lëlét.
1. Gre srît-nia, ba boâ ba-x-lëlét jelé-b frn ba ba-x-mac ra ân lëlét.
1. Before time-uncertain, the bear it-past-have tail-acc regarding.which it it-past-joy emphasis to have.
1. Some time ago, bear had a tail which it was very proud of.

2. Gléni baxahl wî slëili wî faé ba boâ ohî baxahl ân biab zeb ân ta jutin bian otoraug. 
2. Glén-i ba-x-ahl wî slëil-i wî faé ba boâ ohî ba-x-ahl ân biab ze-b ân ta jut-i-n bian o-to-raug. 
2. Black-adj it-past-is also long-adj also regarding the bear habit it-past-is to it.acc move in.order.that other-adj-pl sugg-they-look.
2. It was black and long and bear would wave it around so that the others would look at it.

3. Ba helkaolé mab ba baxraug.
3. Ba helkaolé ma-b ba ba-x-raug.
3. The fox doing-acc its it-past-watch.
3. The fox watched this.

4. Ivi kasa ân faé ba helkaolé ohî baahl ân ma katalëli kelobin, wî ân bamac ra ân galën katalëli. 
4. Ivi ka-sa ân faé ba helkaolé ohî ba-ahl ân ma ka-talël-i kelo-b-in, wî ân ba-mac ra ân galën ka-talël-i. 
4. Each he-knows that regarding the fox habit it-is to do active-change-adj cloths-acc, also that it-joy emphasis to win active-change-adj.
4. Everyone knows that fox has a habit of being a trickster, and that he loves to play tricks on people.

5. Baxmeja ân ma katalëli boaian.
5. Ba-x-meja ân ma ka-talël-i boa-ian.
5. It-past-decide to do active-change-adj bear-to.
5. It decided to trick the bear.

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