I felt like doing something (creation always soothes my nerves), so I surfed the web until I found a suitable poem. By Rumi, its name is called "IF". I used an English translation, as the native language of the poet I cannot understand. ;) Here is where I found the poem.
I love nonrhyming poems. The lack of need to focus on a rhyming scheme makes it possible for me to concentrate more on sentence structure and the nuances of meaning behind the work I'm translating. Sandic poetry, when I write it, hardly ever rhymes for very similar reasons.
This poem was a bit of a challenge. I created a pair of new words for it.
New words:
lëlétad - cage (from lëlét, to have + -ad, a suffix which does something like.. makes a random noun out of whatever it's attached to)
fédad - entrance, doorway (from féd, to go + -ad, the suffix I explained above)
Order of texts below: Traditional - Gloss - Origin(al)
No híies tsidai today because I'm feeling lazy. Maybe I'll add it later.
pa ba péhâ kawîci
ta jwrin ivin
piab otegre ân iad.
fî ân frn ba péhâ auniai
fî ân frn ba péhâ auniai
pétesa, ba neoureci, ba ankoacoi
frn tead baahl ba fédad ba ân
jéd pétesa ra.
lëena pétara ureci wî
lëena pétara ureci wî
mectka ba dinú ba ân
bal ân pa safpa jelacoi
piab pétefialër ân pémect?
ba thîâ frn lëaact pétara
pa úldi ba ara kamecti
lenara baahl ân péxfialër ân pa
lëlétad, gizabin kalëléti
a fî ân dé mead jéb pétejard
dé ba lëlétad ébian, béenú ba baahl jebé
pétesa ra frn aunia, ân
kasai pétara, maka ba jjew.
If you should find your true self,
somewhere within the you that is wanting,
all the heavenly ones
will wait to help you.
If you should learn of the
you which is real- the wild one, animal-like
the whereabouts of the door to heaven
you will surely know.
You are a blessed spirit which
is a denizen of the gardens of heaven
will you then in a ruined house
allow yourself to live?
You are the bird of happiness,
residing in the miracle of existence
It's horrible if you just leave yourself
forever in a cage, chained up
But if you should escape from this place
the cage whose name is body
you will know of truth, that
you are knowledgable, the creator of life.
yourself from your selfish self
all heavenly spirits
will stand ready to serve you
if you can finally hunt down
your own beastly self
you have the right
to claim Solomon's kingdom
you are that blessed soul who
belongs to the garden of paradise
is it fair to let yourself
fall apart in a shattered house
you are the bird of happiness
in the magic of existence
what a pity when you let
yourself be chained and caged
but if you can break free
from this dark prison named body
soon you will see
you are the sage and the fountain of life
yourself from your selfish self
all heavenly spirits
will stand ready to serve you
if you can finally hunt down
your own beastly self
you have the right
to claim Solomon's kingdom
you are that blessed soul who
belongs to the garden of paradise
is it fair to let yourself
fall apart in a shattered house
you are the bird of happiness
in the magic of existence
what a pity when you let
yourself be chained and caged
but if you can break free
from this dark prison named body
soon you will see
you are the sage and the fountain of life
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