Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mér lēnial ba mlî

I love fall.  Every day seems to call my name and ask me to go walking in it.  As today was my off day, I did take a few moments to just sit out and enjoy everything.  I had chores, though, so I had to wait until the evening- just around dusk.  Nature didn't disappoint!  I heard a crow calling, the leaves rustling- and some little noises.

Just then, on the roof, a rather heavily post-pregnant squirrel scolded me and jumped up and away into the branches- probably trying to lead me away from her babies.

I've tried to write the English in a way which approximates the emphasis of the Sandic.

As with all tree/plant names, "jjúrna"- the "default" word for oak- points to a single species.  This particular word refers to the white oak (quercus alba).  Different kinds of oak are specified off of this one word (for example, swamp white oak is jjúrna giamji ("the oak of leaves like plates") and shumard oak is jjúrna tekadani ("the oak of leaves with knives").

The melody?  I have no idea what it's from.  Might be original.  I hardly ever know with the songs/tunes that pop into my head...

Order of texts: Sandic - English

Mér lēnial ba mlî
Mér lēnial ba mlî
Pal uvén ta kaécan ba jjúrna exovo
Mér lēnial ba mlî
Mér lēnial ba mlî
Pa nât ba safpa malēîbin otiab felē exbra
Mér lēnial ba mlî
Mér lēnial ba mlî
Fian atiab axmée ba jtev ó toâ amai


During dusk
During dusk
underneath the branches of the (white) oak, there I stood
During dusk
During dusk
just outside the house I myself heard the cries
During dusk
During dusk
To me she showed herself there on the roof, the mother squirrel

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