It appears that I have far too many words in Sandic (the capacity of this service only allows me to reach down to words starting with "r", and my dictionary in total contains around 1.5K words), but other than this issue (which isn't even an issue, since most people won't try to use so many words) the service works flawlessly. It doesn't have the capability of understanding conjugated verbs (or accusative worms or plural forms of words, I'd imagine), but this is a minor hiccup and not important for anyone (me and two others) who'll likely be using the resource for Sandic anyway.
The Sandic-English instant dictionary can be found here. Check it out! If the developer keeps improving on this resource, it could eventually be something quite amazing for conlangers everywhere. I'm excited and happy to have found it.
connection of text data is provide are great fancy text generator.