Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Béenú Ala -- In the Name of Allah

This isn't part of the Anthology series, as it was just translated this evening in a fit of inspiration. A friend and I were watching "the thirteenth warrior", when it occurred to me that this particularly beautiful prayer has never yet existed in Sandic.

This was of course speedily remedied, as you can see below!

I'll try and keep the updates down to one a day from now on, so as not to flood the aggregator. I don't want to be "that guy". I'm really only adding this one because I translated it entirely on the computer, so there's no paper record of its existence- and I'd sincerely rather not lose it entirely (as I am very wont to do).

Here, then, is the "prayer for peace", translated from an English translation of (I can only assume) the original Arabic. Found here.

Order of texts: English -- Sandic -- Smooth English of Sandic


In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful.
Praise be to the Lord of the Universe who has created us and made us into tribes and nations, that we may know each other, not that we may despise each other.

If the enemy incline towards peace, do thou also incline towards peace, and trust in God, for the Lord is the one that heareth and knoweth all things. And the servants of God, Most Gracious are those who walk on the Earth in humility, and when we address them, we say "Peace."


Béenú Ala, ba maka ba auzo, ba kamai fialēr,

Jwrian otaŵmî arap, jwrian ba ŵiab kaxmai wî ŵian kamai ân délan wî metokyan otaŵjjew, ân dé tré dé jut frn aŵ otaŵsa, arivé ba baxneot ahl ân dé tré dé jut ŵiab otaŵfida.

Fî ân akenonia bama he, wî péhâ opéma he, wî jwrab opédéva skra jwr jéb batara, ba frn ivi basa wî babra. Kamain arap oahlra jégú ta jwrab otiad, jégú ta o imprîâ otrékâ gamia, wî fî ân otian aŵtejae, otian otaŵmî, “Heb.”


In the name of "Ala", creator of good, the merciful,

Let us speak in honor to God, who has created us and caused us to live in groups and nations so that we may know one another, not so that we should hate another.

If an enemy acts in peace, you yourself should also act in peace, and believe/trust in God, which knows and hears all things.  Honorable are those who aid God while walking on Earth, and if we shall speak to them, we shall say, "Peace."

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