Monday, January 30, 2012

Funny quotes from #conlang

Here are funny and wacky quotes from #conlang, added as they appear (and dated for easy reference). This post will be updated every time a noteworthy one sticks its head up. These are in reverse chronological order (newest at the top, oldest at the bottom).

Have a quote you'd like me to add to this list? Send me an email- wood (.) wlf @ gee mail @ kom

25 September 2012, EST

[18:44] Uiri - Does anyone remember what Esperanto for "Esperanto motherfucker do you speak it?" is
[18:44] fenris_kcf - that ain't a sentence, is it?
[18:45] fenris_kcf - missing hyphens?
[18:45] fenris_kcf - er... kommata
[18:45] Fenhl - Uiri: is failing me
[18:45] Uiri - haha
[18:45] Uiri - I went to the trouble of doing it word by word one
[18:46] fenris_kcf - should it be "Esperanto - Motherfucker, do you speak it?"?
[18:46] Fenhl - fenris_kcf: if yeah, should be “Esperanto, motherfucker, do you speak it?”
[18:46] Uiri - something like Esperanto, patrinofikisto, vi gi parolas
[18:47] fenris_kcf - oh, translate "motherfucker" literally?
[18:47] Uiri - haha
[18:47] fenris_kcf - okay ...
[18:47] Tonitrus - No, but I've decided it's
[18:47] fenris_kcf - Esperanto - patrinfikanto, ĉu vi parolas ĝin?
[18:48] Tonitrus - Ænglisċ moþerfuċċere, sprīcst þū hit?
[18:48] Tonitrus - in OE
[18:48] Fenhl - :D :D
[18:48] Tonitrus - That's probably a long o too

28 May 2012, EST

[23:31:29] tnelsond -  :) :3 :8 :O
[23:31:39] tnelsond -  progressive smilies
[23:32:08]  Klisz -  :8 has an infinite mouth

25 February 2012, EST

[21:31:49] Channel topic is: Conlangs and ponies, what else? Aethaeryn is working on a rainbow sparkle pony language (it's Solresol, but for ponies!).
[21:31:49] Topic was set by TooManyToasters! on Sat Feb 25 21:06:42 2012


09 February 2012, EST

[20:38:58] Tonitrus - You only acquired your uncles recently?
[20:39:02] tnelsond - Yeah.
[20:39:05] Tonitrus - Your grandmother must be very busy.


[15:07:29] bornfor - How is everyone today?
[15:07:53] furrykef - beep.
[15:07:59] bornfor - beep!
[15:08:21] bornfor - Does that mean to say that when I talk/say "how is everyone today", that it beeps you?
[15:08:43] furrykef - beep.
[15:09:29] Tonitrus - beep?
[15:10:19] furrykef - beep.
[15:10:37] Tonitrus - ... beep
[15:10:45] furrykef - beep :3
[15:14:55] bornfor - /bip/
[15:15:49] Klisz - [biːpʰ]
[15:16:34] Klisz - wait, no, [biːp], only onsets have aspiration
[15:17:01] Tonitrus - bεεp
[15:17:22] Staatsfeind - bornfor: boop!
[15:17:28] Klisz - bɛːp
[15:17:42] Tonitrus - bəp
[15:18:18] Klisz - bʍɛçɑŋɲʊʃθʋʊθʁɑŋðɔɯʎɛθθɛʁʃɥɛʁɛŋɔʍp
[15:20:09] Klisz> :ɔ


05 February 2012,EST

[00:22:56] bornfor - If people didn't interrupt me, there'd be no conversation.
[00:22:58] bornfor - Itd be like
[00:23:02] bornfor - a wall of senseless bornfor crap
[00:23:07] bornfor - :s
[00:23:45] tnelsond - So what, now we have two walls of senseless crap?
[00:24:15] bornfor - Yay
[00:24:20] bornfor - Interlocking walls of crap
[00:24:27] bornfor - Crapbasket?
[00:24:58] tnelsond - Except my crap is shiny and yours isn't.
[00:25:41] bornfor - I know.
[00:25:46] bornfor - :(
[00:25:59] bornfor - Mine's kind of spiky.
[00:26:08] bornfor - Oh well, it works.
[00:26:08] tnelsond wants to change the subject


[23:23:30] tnelsond - So burtonlang do you have any conlangs?
[23:23:41] burtonlang - I do!
[23:24:01] tnelsond - Well, do tell.
[23:24:49] bornfor - I have a conlang too! Imagine that.
[23:24:50] bornfor - :D
[23:25:00] tnelsond - We should form a club or something.
[23:25:18] Klisz_ - Or maybe an IRC channel about conlangs
[23:25:25] tnelsond - Do lets start our own channel called #peoplewhohaveconlangs
[23:25:29] bornfor - Hey, now there's an idea.
[23:25:36] CJMiller - Dpme
[23:25:36] bornfor - Nono, tnelsond, we need to simplify it.
[23:25:37] CJMiller - Done *
[23:25:40] Klisz_ - let's be straightforward and just call it #conlang :D
[23:25:44] bornfor - Why not.. #conlangers?
[23:25:45] tnelsond - Klisz_: good idea.
[23:25:51] tnelsond - See you there.
[23:25:51] bornfor - Klisz_: That's genius.
[23:25:57] CJMiller - bornfor, done
[23:25:59] bornfor - Yeah
[23:26:01] bornfor joins.
[23:26:04] Sent part request, waiting for reply...
[23:26:04] You have left channel #conlang: "Once you know what it is you want to be true, instinct is a very useful device for enabling you to know that it is"
[23:26:04] bornfor has joined #conlang
[23:26:04] Channel topic is: Welcome to #conlang‽ | Type -info to find out what we're up to |
[23:26:04] Topic was set by CJMiller!~CJMiller@wikipedia/CJMiller on Wed Feb 1 13:51:38 2012
[23:26:04] Channel synchronized in 0.0 seconds
23:26:05] tnelsond joins
[23:26:06] [*@*] has set channel mode +n
[23:26:06] Channel was created at Sun Nov 26 01:44:47 2006
[23:26:09] bornfor - Wow!
[23:26:09] Klisz_ has left #conlang: "☃"
[23:26:12] Klisz_ has joined #conlang
[23:26:14] tnelsond has left #conlang
[23:26:14] bornfor - This sure is swell.
[23:26:16] tnelsond has joined #conlang
[23:26:21] tnelsond - Hey guys.
[23:26:22] bornfor - What a good idea you had, Klisz_!
[23:26:26] Klisz_ - haha
[23:26:34] bornfor - lol
[23:26:34] tnelsond - Ditto what bornfor said.
[23:26:46] bornfor adds this to his list of ridiculous #conlang quotes.


Jan. 30 2012, EST

[23:15:39] tnelsond - Rocky and Bullwinkle is a good cartoon show.
[23:16:45] tnelsond - Well, then again, it is pretty awful.
[23:22:03] tnelsond - 5 minute episodes and such

[23:27:55] Aethaeryn - Infinite bottles of beer on the wall, infinite bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around, infinite bottles of beer on the wall.


July 21 2013, EST

[22:18] Taraiph - there are still people here, right?
[22:18] Rakko - no
[22:20] Taraiph - good to know
[22:20] Taraiph - I would've freaked ou-AAAAAAAAAAAaah

December 09 2013

<anarchokawaii> so
<anarchokawaii> are you guys hear
<bornfor> wat
<anarchokawaii> left handed or right handed?
<Carl_Miller> No, I am sense
<bornfor> Carl_Miller> No, I am sense
<bornfor> ^
<Carl_Miller> :D
<Carl_Miller> bornfor ^5 x4 combo
<bornfor> ^5 ^5 ^5 ^5
<bornfor> BING
* Carl_Miller manifests Polymorph [Safir]
* Carl_Miller is now known as Haila
* bornfor takes the form of....
* bornfor a bucket of water!
* You are now known as bornforwater
* Haila manifests Polymorph [Other/Safir] targeting bornforwater
<bornforwater> I don't have a Safir name, though. :(
<Haila> >:
* You are now known as kafe
* Haila notes that Polymorph [*/Safir] almost always changes the target's gender to female
<Haila> kafe: That works :D
<kafe> Brilliant happenstance in Sandic: "kafe" means both "coffee" and "he understands" :D
<Haila> :D
<kafe> D;
<kafe> I don't want to be female.
* kafe ends self.
<Haila> D:
* Haila revives Kafe-seuvi
<kafe> :p
* You are now known as katarai
<katarai> "the one who is existing"
<katarai> :D
<Haila> In ?Ahirumali, «kafe» means "wrestling" (lit. "throw game")
<katarai> Oh, nice!
<Haila> and «katará?i» means "forming press" (lit. "form make PAST thing")
<Haila> :3
< Cassowaries > I hope this answers your question to your satisfaction, anarchokawaii

11 Dec 2013

< cntrational > apparently homosexual sex is once again banned in India after the Indian Supreme Court reversed a decision a lower court made a few years ago :L
< bornfor > :/
< bornfor > You think they'd have better stuff to do
< bornfor > like
< bornfor > focusing on rapes
< bornfor > or something.
< Zearen > ^
< Tonitrus > Ban all the things
< Tonitrus > ALL THE THINGS
* Oranjer ( has joined ##conlang
* cntrational bans Tonitrus
* Tonitrus goes for a high price on the black market and becomes crucial in funding criminal empires

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