Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Kambâ frn troukânia ta akathîan wî noxnia amatéi

Yet another one from the Hitopadesha. I'm loving these simple yet entertaining stories.

This one is a head-scratcher, though. ... If the female crow is the one about to have babies, why is she doing dangerous flying around and stealing, when the male could easily have done the same thing without harm to their potential coming young? ...

Anyway, here you go!


Kambâ frn troukânia ta akthîan wî noxnia gléni wî amatéi

O jéúmé erinrai oxmect kunnia ta akathîan. O ba jéúmé wî baxmect amatéi nox gléni, pa ostlëat ba jéúmé.
Mér rep ân jjew ta gezonnia ta akathîan, otiahb baxdam ba nox.

Mohnnia, mér krianav ba lëlét ba akathîa amei, axmî kameian kunka ae: “Lëé usei, otawwféd ébian dé jéb ba jéúmé, skra déva me baahl ân wwian ejj kateféd ba nox, wî gezobin aww batedam.”

“Opéneot tem!” rial atian kaxmî ba kunka. “Siad jéd bateneot ma.”

“A fî ân bian pétemadîjj.... Paelai tjura baahl!” Axmî.

“A felë frnsai yahl,” rial ejj kaxmî ba akathîa kamei. “skra jéb paelai yahl siad faé ba.”

“Bal daniab otema ân iad?” Axbas ba juti.

“Rac.” kaxmî ba akathîa. “fian olëébra- mér ivin ta mohn, erenia ta kamen kaféd pa réjilabnia ân kian malëim. Ta tsunebin ka kabrú, wî otiab ta albain kapútú ó réjgraob mér malëim ka.”

Opésod tsunebnia wî biab opépútú pal ostlëat, wwak bamect ba nox.

Skra ta keman ba ere piab otekfé, oteraug ba noxab gléni, wî kian otetu."

Ba amei jéd axma nu wwhé biab kaxmî kunka ae.

Ta keman ba ere atiahb oxjjace, a ba tsuneb axpútú pal ostlëat ba jéúmé.

Ta keman wwakian oxféd, wî ba noxab oxraug, wî kian oxtu.

Mîda ân masan frn ba kamâ: Auniai baahl ba da, biab omî ta frnsain: Fî ân siadpaelai kaahl amatéinia faé lëé, sab frnsa olëéjjuc ân galën.

Indeed, what the wise say is right, that what cannot be achieved by force can be achieved through wisdom.


The Story of A Family of Crows and A wicked Cobra
Kambâ frn troukânia ta akathîan wî noxnia amatéi

On a huge tree in a forest, lived a pair of crows. A black cobra lived in the hollow of the same tree.
O jéúmé erinrai oxmect kunnia ta akathîan. O ba jéúmé wî baxmect amatéi nox gléni, pa ostlëat ba jéúmé.

Whenever the crows had young birds, he would eat them up.
Mér rep ta gezonnia ta akathîan, otiahb baxdam ba nox.

One day, the female crow who was about to get babies, said to her husband, "My dear, please let us go away from here. I'm certain the black cobra will eat my children again."
Mohnnia, mér krianav ba lëlét ba akathîa amei, axmî kameian kunka ae: “Lëé usei, otawwféd ébian dé jéb ba jéúmé, skra déva me baahl ân wwian ejj kateféd ba nox, wî gezobin aww batedam.”

"Don't be afraid!" said her husband. "I'm not going to put up with him any more."
“Opéneot tem!” rial atian kaxmî ba kunka. “Siad jéd bateneot ma.”

"But how can you fight him? He is so strong!" she said.
“A fî ân bian pétemadîjj.... Paelai tjura baahl!” Axmî.

"I am intelligent," replied the male crow, "so I am stronger."
“A felë frnsai yahl,” rial ejj kaxmî ba akathîa kamei. “skra jéb paelai yahl siad faé ba.”

"Well, can I do anything to help?" asked the female crow.
“Bal daniab otema ân iad?” Axbas ba juti.

"Yes, you can," said her husband. "Listen to me carefully. Every day the king comes to bathe in the lake nearby. He removes his gold necklace and leaves it at the edge of the lake, while he bathes.
“Rac.” kaxmî ba akathîa. “fian olëébra- mér ivin ta mohn, erenia ta kamen kaféd pa réjilabnia ân kian malëim. Ta tsunebin ka kabrú, wî otiab ta albain kapútú ó réjgraob mér malëim ka.”

You must pick up the necklace and drop it in front of the hollow of our tree, where the black cobra lives.
Opésod tsunebnia wî biab opépútú pal ostlëat, wwak bamect ba nox.

When the servants of the king follow you to recover it, they will certainly see the black cobra and kill him."
Skra ta keman ba ere piab otekfé, oteraug ba noxab gléni, wî kian otetu.

And so the female crow did exactly as her mate had suggested.
Ba amei jéd axma nu wwhé biab kaxmî kunka ae.

The king's servants chased the female crow who cleverly dropped the necklace in front of the hollow of the tree.
Ta keman ba ere atiahb oxjjace, a ba tsuneb axpútú pal ostlëat ba jéúmé.

When the servants arrived at the spot, they saw the black cobra and killed him.
Ta keman wwakian oxféd, wî ba noxab oxraug, wî kian oxtu.

Mîda ân masan frn ba kamâ: Auniai baahl ba da, biab omî ta frnsain: Fî ân siadpaelai kaahl amatéinia faé lëé, sab frnsa olëéjjuc ân galën.

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